Page 36 - br-april-2020
P. 36

April 2020                                                                           April 2020

       Knitted blankets                                                                     DRAX HALL
       Currently   Alan   of                                                                Coronavirus
       Rivers of living water is
       unable    to   take                                                                  It is now compulsory that all visitors to the hall wash their
       anymore  blankets  so                                                                hands on arrival.
       we  are  trying  to  find                                                                                                                      DRAX
       appropriate places to                                                                We strongly advise that all user groups put in place their
       take  them.  We  have                                                                own risk assessments.                                     HALL
       given some to various                                                                Meanwhile cleaning has been stepped up a gear at the
       Care   homes    and                                                                  hall.
       Homeless charity , but
       if  you  know  an  outlet                                                            It is very likely that by the time the Magazine is issued that we will have needed to
       for  these  please  do                                                               suspend using the hall to keep in line with government advice.
       get in touch. Some of our volunteer’s also knit small children jumpers please do get

       in touch if you know a need for these.
                                                                                            The Village Hall AGM has been cancelled for the 6th April and
       Please do keep knitting as it will be a useful pass time if we become home isolated,   will be held later in the year
       we can also send good quality knitted items to the hospices to sell on their craft
       stalls to raise money. You can make a change from squares and knit a toy or a
       cardigan if you wish whatever we are given we will put them to a worthy use.
                                                                                            Village Hall Hiring
                                            Alison Bennett  Telephone  01929 472023
                                                                                            The village hall has two options for hire the large upper Hall at £8 per hour and the
                                                                                            Lower room at £7 per hour please telephone Lyn Simmonds on 01929 471528 to
                                                                                            discuss your requirements and view the facilities available.

                                                                                            Defibrillators in Bere Regis All of these are Public Access
                                                                                            Drax Arms West Street

                                                                                            Visible from street on front wall
       Bere  Regis  WI,  along  with  other  organisations  in

       the parish, is trying to get to grips with the impact
       of  COVID-19  and  the  implications  for  our                                       The Village Hall North Street
       members.    Our  intention  is  to  follow  the                                      Visible from Street on front wall
       Government advice, evolving our approach as that advice changes.  Based on
       the  current  advice,  we  have  decided  to  cancel  our  WI  meetings  until  further   The Sports Club end of North Street
       notice.    We  will  continue  to  monitor  the  current  health  crisis  and  will  keep  our
       members  informed  of  any  changes  or  plans.    In  the  meantime,  take  care    On Wall of the larger white building near entrance (not the old barn building)
       everyone and stay safe!                                                              There is a defibrillator at the Doctors Surgery Manor Farm Road for use by them it
       For details of future meetings, or further information about the WI, please contact   would only be available when the surgery was open.
       Di  Pitts on 01929 471322 or Moira Mathers on 07900 906278.  You can see more        Monday -Friday 8.30- 6.30 Weds 8.30 -4pm
       about our past meetings and activities on our Facebook page @BereRegisWI.
                                                                                            There is also a defibrillator at the school that would only be available when the
                                                                                            school is open.

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