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April 2019                                                                           April 2019

        DORSET COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT                                                        BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY

       Purbeck District Council                                                             We  had  our  February  meeting  at  The
                                                                                            Village  Hall  on  Wednesday  the  20th
       This will cease to exist from the end of March - whilst                              (having  skipped  January  due  to  coughs
       the  new  Dorset  Council  authority  will  start  its                               and colds). We began by re-capping the
       existence from April 1  there will not be any elections                              aims of the society, especially to find the
       until May 2 . However, if we apply to remain in the                                  earliest  origins  of  Bere  Regis,  and  we
       EU  for  longer  than  a  few  weeks  then  there  will  be                          compared  our  village  with  activities  in
       European elections for a new selection of MEP’s on                                   both   Wiltshire   and   Ancient   Egypt.
       May 23  and the local elections will be delayed until                                                        Surprisingly,
       then. At the time of writing this report it was not clear                                                    Bere Regis has put up a good show as far as antiquities
       what was the likely outcome so please look out for                                                           are  concerned.  This  was  followed  by  the  showing  of
       any  announcements.  Our  last  Purbeck  District                                                            an Egyptian carving  (2,800 BC) and a small Mummy-
       Council meeting will have been on Tuesday March                                                              model  (about 1,500 BC) both on loan to the Society.
       19  where we will be winding up the books and closing off a number of processes                              Des then gave a short talk on metal detecting, using
       to hand over to the new authority.                                                                           his  own  detector  to  demonstrate  technique  and
                                                                                                                    special searching modes obtainable. Then we had a

                                                                                                                    talk on the Second World War weapons, the V-1 and V
       Mini Bus for Bere Regis                                                                                      -2, and the attacks on Southern England in 1944 and
                                                                                                                    1945. A surprising number of members had memories,
       One of my final acts with DCC was to arrange for Bere Regis Parish Council to
       purchase  a  mini  bus  that  had  reached  the  end  of  its  public  life  but  is  still  in              or recalled their parents' memories of those attacks in
       perfectly good condition.                                                                                    the last 10 months of the war. A piece of shrapnel from
                                                                                                                    both weapons was shown. We then had refreshments

                                                                                                                    while a number of new exhibits were viewed, including
       Dorset Council Appointments process                                                                          newspaper  cuttings  from  Victorian  times  about  the
         We have now completed appointing the Chief Executive and most of his direct
       reports. At the next level down there are 23 people and 9 positions to be filled.                            The next meeting will be on the 20th March, and new
       We  are  working  hard  to  minimise  the  number  of  redundancies  but  this  is  an                       members are welcome.
       inevitable conclusion of the decision to abolish a complete tier of government in                                                 John Pitfield, Project Secretary
       the  form  of  5  District  Councils.  As  the  Workforce  portfolio  holder,  I  have  the
       responsibility for ensuring our policy is both effective and fai, and this is currently
       occupying a great deal of my time.

       Verge Management

       In a recent nationwide competition Dorset County Council came top out of eight         When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
       shortlisted  authorities  for  its  innovative  ecological  approach  to  highway  verge
       management  by  reducing  soil  fertility  through  the  collection  of  grass  cuttings.   their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
       They  have  also  introduced  species  of flowering  plants  that  restrict  grass  growth
       whilst  ensuring  low  nutrient  soils  are used in  road  construction.  The  result is  slow   effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
       growing, beautiful wildflower verges that attract and sustain pollinating insects. It                        advertising revenue!!
       is also saving money as the verges require less cutting.

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