Page 12 - br-april-2019
P. 12

April 2019                                                                           April 2019

                                               convinced that this would make her
                                                                                           sites contributes as these days we keep our buildings tidy and in a better state of
                                               well. Jesus felt the healing power go       repair than we have before. There are fewer insects around for swifts to feed on
                                               out of him. He stopped and praised          which may be another factor. Scarily, gone are the days when we had to scrape
                                               her  for  her  trust,  saying  this  had    insects from the car windscreen after a long journey.
                                               made her well. In the meantime the
                                               important  official  was  worrying          Swifts like to nest in colonies and the centre of our small population is around the
                                               whether the delay would mean they           middle of the village, although historically there was a thriving colony in Bladen
                                               were  too  late  to  save  his  daughter,   Valley. At the moment ‘our’ swift numbers seem to be steady but their success
                                               but  Jesus  considered  both  to  be        each year is very weather dependent. Ideally I would very much like to see the
                                               important  and  was  able  to  bring        numbers increasing. There are now five nest boxes at the village hall and we are
                                               both back to health.                        hoping for a ‘full house’ this year.

                                               The  drama  involved  lots  of              This is where you all come in. Now is a good time to put up swift boxes and swifts
                                               characters  and  was  acted  out  in        are  excellent  neighbours  –  they  use  the  absolute  minimum  of  nesting  material,
                                               three different settings, so the action     they don’t pooh down the house walls and, excluding the screaming parties, are
       took place over the full length of the church. There were a dozen adults and six    quiet  neighbours.  They  will  also  entertain  you  on  summer  evenings  with  their
       children involved. One child acted the part of the sick daughter, by lying on a     amazing flying displays and screaming parties. But they do go to bed at sunset!
       bed in front of the font. She finished the drama by waking up after Jesus healed    Perfect  neighbours.
       her with the words “I’m hungry”.
                                                                                           There  are  various  different
       Also on the last day in March the Junior Church will be in action with their own    designs  of  nest  boxes  for
       brand  of  worship  for  Mothering  Sunday.  At  the  time  of  writing  that  has  not   swifts  –  something  to  suit
       happened yet, but the theme will be based on how the Mother of Moses saved          everyone’s  pocket.    The
       him from the wrath of Pharaoh. Then two weeks after that the Junior Church will     box needs siting quite high
       be back in their normal slot of the second Sunday in the month for Palm Sunday      on a wall, 4.5m if possible,
       (a week before Easter).                                                             and  swifts  need  a  clear
                                                                                           flight path as they come in
       I expect that you have read in other parts of this magazine that our parish, with   FAST!  Avoid  a  site  with
       Affpuddle,  has  joined  with  Wool  to  become  the  benefice  of  “West  Purbeck”.
       Between us there will be children’s work on most weekends. As a general rule it     trees  or  bushes  nearby.  A
                                                                                           north facing wall is ideal, if
       will be as follows:-
                                                                                           the  wall  is  facing  east  or
       First W/K        Saturday         PM    Wool       Messy Church                     west  the  box  must  have
                                                                                           some shade from eaves or
       Second W/K       Sunday           AM    Bere Regis   Junior Church                  an overhang. Avoid a south facing wall. Make sure that predators – cats, crows,
                                                                                           magpies,  squirrels  and  rats  do  not  have  easy  access.  See  www.swift-
       Third W/K        Sunday           AM    Wool       Family Service
                                                                                   for  loads  of  useful  information  especially  on  nest  boxes.  The
       (There is also a lively “Buggies & Brunch” at the Methodist chapel monthly, but not   boxes do not need cleaning out each year unless the house sparrows have used
       on a set W/K. it happens on a Saturday morning. This month it was on the16th, but   the box and filled it (literally) with the sparrow’s idea of cosy bedding!
       the  telephone  number  below  will  have  the  details)  If  you  would  like  any  more
       information about children’s services do phone Pat on 472246. And please note       Please be patient if you do put up boxes as it may take a while for the swifts to
       these services are not meant just for children and families. Many others find them   move in. If you have sparrows in the vicinity you may want to block the entrance
                                                                                           hole with a rag when the swifts are not here. Please take great care if using a
       o good way of worshiping as well.
                                                                                           ladder or ask a friend or neighbour for help and stay safe.
                                                                      Pat Wharf
                                                                                                                                                       Angie Talbot

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