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April 2019                                                                           April 2019

            BERE REGIS CHURCH NEWS                                                          BLADEN SOCIAL CLUB

       FROM THE REGISTERS                                                                  As  stated  in  last  month’s  magazine  this  year  marks  the  50   Anniversary  of  the
                                                                                           Bladen  Social  Club  Horticultural  Show.      That  important  milestone  is  being
        Baptism                                                                            reflected in some of the show categories.
                                                                                           The final details of some sections are as yet unavailable but below are the entry
        Lily Amelia Smith
                                                                                           topics for the Photography section, The Lady Debenham Cup and the Novelty

                                                                                           Cup, so that entrants can start working on their entries.
                                                                                                                             Photography – Two classes, (i) Photographs
                    Estella Bailey                                                                                           of  a  Briantspuddle  Sunset  Scene,  (ii)
                                                                                                                             Photographs of a Celebration
                    Raymond Seymour
                                                                                                                             Lady Debenham Cup – Will be awarded to
                    Douglas Keogan                                                                                           the  Most  Colourful  garden  seen  from  the

                                                                                                                             Novelty  Cup  –  Any  Handicraft  that  was
                                                                                                                             made    between    1969   and   2018.
                                                                                                                             There  will  be  no  entry  fee  for  this  class  so
        BERE REGIS BELLRINGERS                                                                                               you can enter as many items as you wish
                                                                                                                             and  the  show  organisers  are  hoping  that
       There will be visiting ringers on Sunday 28th April from 5pm to                                                       you will look in your cupboards, loft or shed
       6pm.  Please  be  aware  that  this  does  not  signal  a  church                                                     for  your  current  and  past  handicrafts  and
       service as there is no evensong planned for that day.                                                                 that there will thereby be a wide range of
                                                                                                                             items on display covering the period over
                                                                                                                             which the show has been taking place.
                                                                                           On a more current topic, last month’s Quiz night was a great success and really
       JUNIOR                     “Why don’t you come and join us at the                   taxed those little grey cells.  There will undoubtedly be another Quiz before the

       CHURCH                     Family Service on the second Sunday                      summer so why not come along and enjoy a fun evening with a group of friends
                                                                                           (four to a team), or if you don’t have that many friends we can always team you
       NEWS                            of every month at 11.00 am”                         up with someone in a like situation.
                                                                                           Details of future events will be found in this magazine and on Parish notice boards
                                                                                           as soon as details are finalised.
       The theme of last month’s Junior Church Service was trusting God. There were lots
       of  activities  for  the  children  in  the  “hour  before”  including  trust  games  and                                              Peter Talbot , Secretary
       making models / pictures, which the children showed off in the actual service.

       All the children, except the very little ones, were also involved in a drama telling
       the story of two very different people, who trusted that Jesus could heal them.
       One was an important official whose 12 year old daughter was seriously ill and
       the other was an insignificant old lady, who had been an outcast because of her
       illness,  which  she  had  endured  for  12  years.  The  old  lady  felt  that  she  was  so
       insignificant  that  she  would  just  try  and  touch  the  hem  of  Jesus’  cloak,  being

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