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January 2024                                                                        January 2024

       food  please  get  in  touch  we    have  gained  funding  to  provide    crisis  packs  for   catkins. Lots of plants set pollen into the breeze from catkins. The first catkins are
       people in the Parish in a difficult situation.                                      usually hazels and they heartening sight in the dull days of deep winter, especially
                                                                                           as hazel is most often found in hedges and are quite accessible.  You  may also
       If you need this service please email in confidence and        take  a  closer  look  at  the  hazel  twigs  to  spot  the  tiny  crimson  tasselled  female
       we will help. Thank you to Gareth Lynam who is running this project for us.         flowers (the catkins are male).

                                                                                           We’d be interested to hear of your favourite early sign of spring springing into life;
       Pop In Place Work shop                                                              email us at the addresses below.
        We  are  a  small  group  meeting  on  Friday  mornings  and  do  some  wood  work,   There is a succession of other catkins to be seen across in our local area from now
       making bird boxes, bug hotels and planters etc we also do a lot of talking and      until early summer. If it has been dry, reach down wind to the opened catkins and
       drinking coffee. We have completed and refurbished the table tennis table and       gently  tap  the  branch  they  hang  from.  In  a  gentle  breeze  a  cloud  of  golden
       that is available for people to play a game.                                        motes will drift away in their thousands, some to be fertilised and to set seed on
                                                                                           other nearby bushes.
       If you are interested in coming along and doing any of the above or your own
       small project, call in and see us you will be very welcome.                         Also,  take  a  look  at  the  web  link  below  to  help  you  identify  different  types  of

       Pop In Place Performers Robin Hood Panto this month …  do                           how-to-tell-them-apart
       you have your tickets?
       We are in the final rehearsals now of Robin Hood and the Sherwood Performers        Let Us Know What Wildlife You Have Seen
       and it is a show not to be missed with an  all age community cast  and sure to
       delight even the most sceptic of theatre goers. We will be staging this production                                        To many of us the Little Egret and the
       on 25  26  27  January 2024                                                                                               Kingfisher  will  be  familiar  sights  along
                                                                                                                                 Bere  Stream.  A  recent  and  new
       Tickets are still available from the Pop In Place or telephone                                                            sighting  in  the  stream  was  a
                                                                                                                                 Cormorant,  seen  diving  and
       Alison on 01929 472023 We are raising funds for the Southampton Immunotherapy                                             swimming under water in a search for
       centre with the profits from our ticket sales. Come along and enjoy a great night                                         food.  Buzzards  and  Kestrels  are
       of entertainment.                                                                                                         frequent visitors at Souls Moor over the
                                                                                                                                 winter  period  as  earthworms  are
       Pop In Place Move Well Classes                                                                                            forced  to  the  surface  by  the  rising
                                                                                                                                 water  table,  providing  easy  and
       The new classes start up again in January more details to follow.                                                         nutritious pickings. There are also other
                                                                                                                                 visitors that we only see at this time of
       Enquiries    about    the   classes    can    be    emailed    to   me                                                    year,  for  example  redwing  and
       at or telephone enquiries can be made via Lyn                                             fieldfare.  These  are  migratory  birds
       Simmonds on 01929 471528                                                                                                  arriving  at  our  shores  from
                                                                                                                                 Scandinavia  to  escape  the  winter
                                                                                                                                 cold  there.  They  may  be  seen  on
       Have you checked out our Pop In Place website                        hedges,  scrub  and  woodland  feasting  on  berries,  and  on  grassland  and  field
       For More information call Alison Bennett 01929 472023                               margins looking for worms, slugs, leatherjackets and sometimes grain.
                                                                                           We would be very interested to learn about the wildlife (be it birds, mammals, fish,
                                                                                           butterflies,  reptiles,  amphibians  etc,  common  or  unusual)  you’ve  seen  locally.
                                                                                           Please  send  details  of  sightings  to  us  at  the  email  addresses  below.  We  are

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