Bere Regis Village Website

Villagers shared Images and video

Send in your images below, files must be in jpg, jpeg, png, bmp format.
Click any image to view in a gallery
Images here are kindly shared to the website via people from the local vicinity.
If you have any images or mp4 video you would like to share with us then please do.

Kindly shared by Simon Goddard - Spring 2022

Kindly shared by Simon Goddard - May 2022

Kindly sent in by Hannah Plowman

Roke Farm

Kindly shared by Simon Goddard

Remembrance figures from Nov 2021
Kindly shared by Simon Goddard

Court Farm field then and now
Kindly shared by Simon Goddard

Kindly sent in by an anonymous visitor

Roke Farm

Below kindly shared by Simon Goddard
'Sunrise in and around Bere Regis'

Below kindly shared by Simon Goddard

‘Colours of lockdown, Spring and early Summer 2020 around Bere Regis’

Below kindly shared by Simon Goddard

“The Hunter and the Hunted”   Video submitted by Paul Thomas

A lovely sunny Autumn morning in Bere Regis 13th November 2019  -  submitted by Rod Osmond

A foggy morning in Bere Regis 17th February 2018  -  submitted by Rod Osmond

Snow in Bere Regis 18th March 2018  -  submitted by Rod Osmond