Bere Regis Village Website

Parish Council NeighbourCar Scheme

NeighbourCar Scheme
We had a very successful launch on the 8th of March, with a steady flow of new clients signing up to the scheme.
Client numbers are increasing weekly along with the journeys undertaken.
We now have clients in BereRegis, Tolpuddle,Briantspuddle and Winterborne Kingston and would very much like some volunteer drivers from these villages.
The NeighbourCar scheme has been set up by the Parish Council to enable those with mobility problems or difficulty in accessing transport to get to, for instance, medical or dental appointments or to go shopping, or, for younger people perhaps to get to a job interview.

Some of the questions that are being asked are:

Q: Will it cost £10 for a couple to sign up to the scheme?

A: No, one registration per household.

Q: Do I have to pay for four journeys, if the driver takes me and does not wait?

A: As we are not charging for a service but asking for a voluntary contribution ,although you will be advised of the contribution it is up to the client how much that they can afford to put in.

Q: Would you be able to take me somewhere other than a medical appointment?

A:Yes, we are available for any essential journey that you wish to make, but usually the transport will be to local towns such as Poole, Blandford, Dorchester or Wareham, and not normally, for instance, to go to an airport to go on holiday.

Q: Will you be able to take me somewhere on a regular basis?

A: Yes, so long as there is a driver available.

Q: Are there any age restrictions for the scheme?

A: No, we want to be able to help anyone who has transport issues.

Q: Will it matter if I don’t use it very often?

A: No, we are here when you need us.

Q: Do I have to live in Bere Regis to register for the scheme?

A:No, we already have clients inTolpuddle, Briantspuddle and Winterborne Kingston.

For more information contact Amanda Crocker 472327