Bere Regis Village Website

Slater's 1852 Directory


Woodbury Hill Fair: 18 Sept & 3 following days


Mary Besent, Post Mistress


Rev. George Pickard Cambridge, Bloxworth

Mr Thomas Carter, Beer Regis

Sir William Chatterton, Bart., Bloxworth

James Frampton, Esq., Moreton House

Rev. William Charles Frampton, Moreton

Rev. Carrington Ley, Beer Regis

Mr Thomas Nott (surgeon), Beer Regis

Thomas Nott jun. M.D., Beer Regis

Charles James Radcliffe, Esq., Hyde

Mr John Sanders, Beer Regis

Mr Samuel Stent, Beer Regis


Drax's Arms, James Vincent

Framton Arms, William Brown, Moreton

Royal Oak, Sarah Hilliar


John Battrick, shoe maker

John Bevercombe, shopkeeper

William Biles, smith

Mary Bishop, mistress of National School

Thomas Bishop, saddler

Susan Boswell, milliner

Richard Brain, shopkeeper

John Brown, boot maker

James Bullen, carpenter, Shitterton

Robert Burge, grocer, tallow chandler, and agent to the Professional Insurance Co.

Henry Case, draper and grocer

John Chaffey, tailor

George Chard, tailor

Thomas Clinch, tailor

John Davis, saddler

Mathew Davis, carpenter

George Dibben, butcher and beer retailer

Mary Ann Dowland, shopkeeper

Edward Patten Galpin, registrar of birth & deaths, & relieving officer.

Henry Calton, cabinet maker & beer retlr

Sarah Gould, beer retailer

Susan Gould, milliner

Edward Hibbs, smith, grocer & draper

Esther House, milliner

Henry House, carpenter

Charles Lane, tailor

William Lane, boot maker

John Lugg, boot maker, Shitterton

Joseph Mundell, grocer & ironmonger

James Poore, carpenter

John Ricketts, boot maker

Mary Ricketts, shopkeeper

George Russell, miller

Thomas Satchell, painter, plumber &c

Richard Scutt, miller

William Scutt, brewer

Louisa Shepherd, school

Thomas Shepherd, bricklayer

Ann Sibley, milliner

Thomas Strickland, boot maker

John Vincent, bricklayer

William Walbridge, cooper & shopkeeper

James Welch, boot maker

Tabitha White, beer retailer

John Woolfreys, shoemaker

Samuel Woolfreys, miller


St. John the Baptist Church, Beer Regis

Independent Chapel, Beer Regis

Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Beer Regis