Bere Regis Village Website

Community Speed Watch


Readers will recall that, last year, resident’s views were sought on a range of traffic issues in the parish.
Considerable feedback was received, a summary of the results was previously published and this has led directly to the creation of a Community Speed Watch scheme.
A group of volunteers has now been trained – more are welcome to join – the Parish Council have purchased the kit and Briantspuddle & Affpuddle CSW has commenced operations.

The Community Speed Watch scheme involves groups of volunteers monitoringtraffic speeds from time to time within 30mph zones across the parish.
This is achieved through the use of a hand-held radar device and if drivers are found to exceed the limit by more than a certain margin, they will receive a warning letter from the police.
Any persistent offenders will, ultimately, be penalized.

Despite the potential penalty element, the aim of CSW is not to catch motorists out – it is simply to encourage them to be mindful that they are in a speedrestricted area and that they should proceed accordingly.

Further down the line, as data are gathered, we may be able to instigate moves to reduce the speed limit to 20mph and to extend the areas covered by thoselimits – these points were frequently raised in survey responses.
As and when there is more to report, we will provide updates in both the parishmagazine and on the community website.

Peter Leatherdale.