Bere Regis Village Website

Remembrance at Bere Regis 2020

8th November
People were advised not to attend the ceremony due to the Covid19 pandemic .
I would like to offer grateful thanks to Sandra Williams, our Associate Priest, Sarah Welton, Churchwarden, Jon Cleave and Adrian Standfield, Tower Captain for enabling our Remembrance Service yesterday to go ahead at the War Memorial.
Although we were constrained, and it was a much reduced ceremony from previous years, we were able to hold a very dignified and appropriate Act of Remembrance.
Wreaths were laid on behalf of the Church, the Congregational Church, the Royal British Legion, the Parish, Dorset Council, the Fire Service, Bere Regis Scout Group, the Women's Institute and by other individuals.
Thanks are also due to Julien Lightfoot for livestreaming the Service to the village facebook page, to members of the Parish Council for acting as stewards and to Paul Martin for accompanying the singing of the National Anthem.
If you would normally have participated but had to observe the silence at home this year, I hope you will feel you were at least represented at the Service.
Ian Ventham
Credit to Julien Lightfoot for the film below