Page 58 - BR September 2023 (1)
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September 2023                                                                      September 2023
                                                                                            BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND

                                                                                            ENVIRONMENT GROUP

                                                                                            Despite  the  somewhat  indifferent  weather  we  hope
       From  Wednesday  20  –  Sunday  24                                                   you’ve  enjoyed  your  Summer,  whether  it  was  spent
       September,  Inside  Out  Dorset  will  wow                                           locally  or  away.  Summer  is  now  passing  and  we  are
       audiences in Bere Regis, at Dorset Wildlife                                          entering Autumn and the season of morning mists and
       Trust’s   Wild   Woodbury   site.   This                                             mellow  fruitfulness.  We  can  take  pleasure  in  the  rich
       international  outdoor  arts  festival  will                                         colours of ripening fruit in the hedgerows and maybe
       transform   some   of   Dorset’s   most                                              enjoy picking and eating some blackberries! Enjoy them, but do leave some for
       remarkable locations.                                                                our wildlife.
       Gather  at  the  land undergoing rewilding                                                                    There  are  also  many  other  fruits,  seeds  and  nuts  to
       in  Bere  Regis  for  food,  stories  and                                                                     be  found  in  the  area,  sustaining  wildlife.  You’ll  see
                                                                                                                     plenty  of  hazel  nuts  shells  on  the  ground,  but  be
                                             performances.  Connect,  forage  and                                    lucky  to find  any  nuts  ripe enough to eat yourself  -
                                             cook  together  with  French  company                                   the mice and squirrels always seem to get there first!
                                             De Chair et d’Os. Join local artists who                                Another  feature  of  Autumn  is  the  emergence  of  a
                                             have  been  commissioned  to  share  a                                  range  of  fungi  –  take  a  look  to  see  what  you  can
                                             ‘Soup  and  a  Story’  inspired  by  the                                find  on  woodland  floors, on  trees  and  dead wood.
                                             landscape.  South  Asian  dance                                         But,  be  aware  -  some  are  poisonous  including  the
                                             company,  Akademi,  explores  the                                       bright red colourful Fly Agarics in the photo, which is
                                             climate  migration  of  people  across                                  often found in wooded areas – so, leave well alone.
                                             India  and  Bangladesh  in  their

       performance  Pravaas.  And  French                                                                            Souls Moor
       company  Le.  G.  Bistaki  offers  a
       timeless satire of our relationship with                                                                      Our regular annual visiting ponies that graze on Souls
       money  and  power  in  their                                                                                  Moor  were  somewhat  delayed  this  year  because
                                                                                                                     one of them needed a replacement horseshoe and
       performance  of  Baïna[na].   Whilst                                                 Mark,  who  owns  the  ponies,  had  been  waiting  for  a  visiting  blacksmith.  Then
       designer-researcher  Alice  Stevens                                                  unfortunately  the  young  foal  had  a  minor  accident  becoming  tangled  on  a
       invites  you  to  wear  weather-sensing                                              piece of barbed wire. However all is well now and the mare and foal are doing a
       wellies  that  play  poetry  from  Zakiya                                            great job
                                                                                            The  insects  have  been  busy  enjoying  our
       There’ll  also  be  a  bar  and  Food                                                village  nature  reserve  and  here  are  three
       Village, in partnership with Dorset Food and Drink and Dorset Area of Outstanding    examples  that  have  been  photographed  on
       Natural Beauty, with local traders serving up delicious meals and delicacies.        sunny days.

       Inside Out Dorset promises extraordinary events in extraordinary places. As well as   It has been a good year for butterflies, and the
       Bere Regis, the festival will have events in Poole, Wimborne, Weymouth and Moors     first  picture  shows    a  couple  of  Small  Skipper
       Valley Country Park & Forest from 15-24 September.                                   butterflies  on  mud  at  the  edge  of  the  pond
       Inside Out Dorset is produced by Activate Performing Arts.                           that were part of a group doing what is known
                                                                                            as mud puddling. This may seem to be unusual

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