Page 53 - BR September 2023 (1)
P. 53

September 2023                      September 2023

 Within  the  European
 Union   research   is
 being  carried  out  in
 various  industries  to
 attempt  to  create  a
 thoughtful  approach
 to  rules,  but  at  the
 same   time   some
 member  states,  such
 as Italy, have taken a
 firmer  approach  and
 h a v e    c u r r e n t l y
 banned   certain   AI
 applications altogether. Similarly in the US, the Federal Government is assessing the
 impact of AI, while some states are looking to draft rules quickly.
 Locally, the best kind of protection against scams and fraud is to be aware of the
 risks, be aware of the warning signs, and to spread the word about what to do if
 you  become  affected  by  scams.  You  can join 4000  people  in  Dorset  who have
 already   learnt   more   by   becoming   a   ‘Friend   Against   Scams’   at


 July's  meeting  of  the  WI  saw  members  visiting
 Wimborne  to  attempt  to  complete  a  competition
 supplied  by  the  T.I.C.  Agreeing  to  meet  in  the
 square, the first stop was for a cup of tea!  [it being
 a warm afternoon!] We were each given a sheet of
 15  pictures  depicting  local  shops  around  the  town
 as they were in the past. The objective was to find those shops and complete the
 sheet as to their present wares. Chimneys, windows, doorways were all scrutinised
 as  well  as  brickwork  patterns    and  other  identifiable  clues.    A  score  of  10  was
 deemed  creditable  but  as  there  was  no  answer  sheet  available  it  was  agreed
 that an enjoyable afternoon was had by all and a winner was unnecessary.

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