Page 49 - BR September 2023 (1)
P. 49

September 2023                      September 2023

       St John the Baptist currently has a team of twelve bellringers,  Adrian Standfield,
 The next meeting of Bere Regis Floral Group will be   Sarah  Ackerman,  Jon  Cleave,  Jenny  Clifford,  Terry  Kent,  Amanda  Leigh,  Jill
 on  Tuesday  September  12   at  2pm  in  Winterborne   Marsden,  Moira  Mathers,  Malcolm  Phillips,  Norman  Reid  (ringing  for  five  years),
 Kingston village hall.   Alan Townsend (ringing for fourteen years) and Steve Woolley.
 The  demonstrator  for  that  day  will  be  Kelly  Shaw   Get  in  touch  if  you  want  to  join  them.  The  contact  details  are  in  the  Parish
 whose title is Celebration of Nature’s Bounty.  There   Magazine directory.
 will be a produce stall.                                         Janey Gordon

 Visitors and new members are always welcome to come along.  Your first visit is
 free of charge.
 Congratulations  to  all  the  members  who  entered  the  recent  Area  Show  at  the
 Thomas Hardy School in Dorchester.  Whether prize winners of not, you all flew the
 flag proudly for the club and represented us so well.   AND WHILST ON THE SUBJECT OF THE
 (In addition to scooping a First Prize award at the area show, our chairman quickly
 followed this by fighting off all opposition to gain the award for the longest bean
 at the village show, but we won’t let it go to his head!)
       ….  here is some more interesting information about them
 For  information,  contact  Chairman  Bob  Holman  01305  8482262  or  email
       The Tower
       Built in 1500 with funds from the family of Cardinal Morton, of the Church chancel
       roof fame, to house 4 bells.  A previous tower thought to have been at the east
       end  of  the  present  north  aisle  near  where  the  organ  and  Morton  Chapel  are
 When you respond to   situated.

 advertisers, do please   Bell inscriptions, dates and details of present bells are shown in the picture frame
       by the door and on the rubbings . The oldest bell (the 4th) this year celebrates 400
 tell them you saw their   years  since  it  was  cast,  probably  in  or  near  the  churchyard,  by  the  travelling
 advert in this magazine
       The Stairs
 -  it helps them monitor   The 50 stairs to the Ringing Chamber can be seen to have been worn by the feet

 the effectiveness of   of those who ventured up the tower with their oil lamps.

 their advert and helps   The Ringing Chamber

 us generate more   The input section by bellringers and the clock mechanism, the resulting action and
       sound coming from the floor above. There are six bell ropes connected to the bell
 advertising revenue!!   wheels above, the Treble the smallest to the Tenor the largest.

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