Page 29 - BR September 2023 (1)
P. 29

September 2023                      September 2023

 Pop In Place Community Christmas Party    Fly Tipping
 On Friday 8  December 2pm -4pm the Pop In will be holding a Christmas party we   This  is becoming  more and  more of a  problem
 will  providing  light  festive  refreshment  and  Retro  Rita  will  be  performing  her   with  residents  dumping  their  grass  cuttings  and
 wonderful  Christmas  set,  it  is  sure to be  a great afternoon if  you  want  to attend   hedge trimmings on land that does not belong
 please see Alison Bennett and get on the Party list for Christmas.   to them. This leads to the Lengthsman spending
 Thanks to the Parish Council we will be able to provide transport in the shape of   unnecessary  time  clearing  the  areas  and
 the  community  bus,  so  if  you  want  to  attend  and  have  transport  please  let  us   disposing of the rubbish.
 know.    Since  the  start  of  this  financial  year,  the
 Have you checked out our Pop In Place website    Lengthsman has spent over 40 hours picking up
        litter  and  disposing  of  fly  tipping  –  that’s  over
 For more information call Alison Bennett 01929 472023    £700  in  just  five  months.  If  you  are  unable  to
        dispose  of  your  garden  waste  at  the  local
        recycling centre, sign up for the Dorset Council
        Garden  Waste  Collection  service  here:  https://

        Christmas Trees

 (A trip down memory lane seen through the lens of a camera)    Now that August is here in all its blazing glory, it’s time to think about Christmas.
        We are hoping to keep them at £10 for a 4’ tree again this year. If you would like
 This will be a fantastic photo Exhibition of Old Bere Regis on Saturday 28  October   to order a tree, please contact the Clerk as soon as possible. Payment will have
 at the Village Hall in North Street between 10am - 6pm    to be made by bank transfer as usual.
 Mark Bennett has specially produced  a brilliant souvenir booklet of this exhibition
 and they will be on sale.
        Village Calendar
 Many  photos  from  Mark  and
        The Village Calendar will be on sale at Nisa from September. The chosen charity
 Paul’s  collections  will  take  you
 on  a  journey  back  in  time  to   this year will be Dorset Mind. This is a self-funded local charity that helps people in
 the  Bere  Regis  of  yester  year   Dorset experiencing mental health problems access the vital support they need.
 when  the  horses  and  carts   Calendars will cost £5 each still.
 travelled  the  roads  and  bread
 was baked in the village.   Communibus Trips
 There will be Refreshments and   These are proving incredibly popular and the bus is now out almost every week.
 a  wonderful  opportunity  to   The programme for the remainder of the year is as follows:
 learn  about  how  the  village
 used  to  be  in  those  Bygone   Sept 6th Upton Country Park & Poole Quay - £10 Depart 10am
        Sept 20th Bournemouth Gardens - £10 Depart 10am
 Offers of help  with refreshment or stewarding please phone  01929 472023
        Oct 3rd Weymouth Home Bargains, B&M & Goulds - £10 Depart 10am
 Admission is   £3 and  children free.  Raising funds for Bere Regis Village Hall.
        Oct 16th Sherborne - £12 Depart 9am

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