Page 28 - BR September 2023 (1)
P. 28

September 2023                                                                      September 2023

       was discussed with the Drax Estate who reported that they had considered the
       possibility but found it to be unviable; the site was too low for a turbine and too
       small for a feasible solar panel site.

       Community Speed Watch
       A  team  of  volunteers  is  now  set  up  and  training  was  undertaken  on  the  14
       August. The first session will have taken place by the time you read this. It is widely
       agreed  that  the  previous  team,  headed  by  Angie  and  Ian  Wright,  was  very
       successful in slowing down the traffic and this team will be no different. As ever,
       the more volunteers, the more sessions can be held. So, please, if you are able to
       give a few hours a month to this important initiative, please contact the Clerk or
       email Rachael Payne on

       Inside Out Festival
       The  Inside  Out  Festival,  which  is  a  mix  of  contemporary  art,  music  and
       performance  is  taking  place  at  Wild  Woodbury  between  the  20   –  24
       Se pte mbe r,   f or   more    inf or mati on    ple as e    s ee :   h ttps :/ /

       Souls Moor village nature reserve

       It  is  is  now  10  years  since  the  parish  council  were  able  to  purchase  the  village
       nature  reserve  which  was  originally  bought  by  a  developer  who  had  plans  for
       housing development there

       This year we were rather late in having the ponies back again to do their work in
       grazing  as  the  owner  of  the  ponies  had  to  get  the  mare  reshod  with  new
       horseshoes.  Then  the  foal  was  slightly  injured  on  a  rogue  piece  of  barbed
       wire.    The  ponies  tend  to  prefer  the  vegetation  in  the  damper  and  open
       areas.  This provides a good  mixture of differing growth levels which is good for
       different  wildlife,  such  as  grasshoppers  in  the  long  grass  and  meadowsweet
       while    the  smaller  plants  such  as  orchids  and  cuckoo  flower  occur  where  they
       graze.   There have been some good wildlife sightings this year and these have
       been reported in the wildlife and environment group section in this magazine

       Play Park Inspection

       The  annual  inspection  of  the  play  park  has  now  been  completed  and  there  is
       some  work  that  will  need  to  be  carried  out.  This  will  be  undertaken  by  the
       Lengthsman over the next few months. It may be necessary to close down pieces
       of equipment whilst the work is being done so please be patient.

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