Page 24 - BR September 2023 (1)
P. 24

September 2023                                                                      September 2023

                                                                                             It Only Takes One Lunatic
        This column is rather inaccurately named this month –
        I have not been in  Westminster but mostly in Dorset.
        Being  a  Member  of  Parliament  means  living  in  two                             You spill across the border with your military might,
        different places – in London during the week in term
        time,  but  back  at  home  in  the  constituency  on                                You say it isn’t war, but you are spoiling for a fight.
        Fridays  and  weekends  and  during  recess.  My  family                             What do you expect, or believe that you might find?
        and  I  have  lived  in  Dorset  for  over  20  years,  so  it  is
        always  nice  when  I  can  spend  more  time  at                                    Do you think it will be easy and that nobody will mind?
        home.  MPs will be back in Parliament from the start
        of September, and then I’ll be back in Dorset for the
        conference recess.                                                                   You are master in the craft, of massacre and maim.
                                                                                             You  thrive  on  mass  destruction  and  manipulating
        Recess  means  that  I  have  more  chance  to  be  out  and  about  in  the
        constituency,  chatting  to  people  and  visiting  organisations  and  businesses.  I   blame.
        have been highlighting some local businesses through my social media channels        You disregard the damage done, and the time it takes
        over the last few months – if you have a great businesses or organisation please     to mend.
        do let me know so that I can publicise their work in my “Spotlight on Mid Dorset &
        North Poole”.                                                                        You sell your soul to Satan with the messages you send.
        Social media often gets criticised for some of the toxicity and negativity that can   I cannot forget, the line which I was fed.
        arise. It can also be incredibly useful for keeping up to date with what’s going     “It only takes one lunatic”, is what my teacher said.
        on. I have been on Twitter and Facebook since before I was elected, and I am
        taking my first steps in Instagram and Threads – the new social media channel.       “It only takes one lunatic”, is what I learned back then,
        Time will tell whether it becomes as popular as those that went before! I like to
        keep  constituents  up  to date with what I  have been doing,  and  social  media    As history repeats and then repeats itself again.
                                           can really help. I am always very happy
                                           to  publicise  other  events  through  my         Where do we go from here? Is there a master plan?
                                           social  media  –  so  please  do  get  in
                                           touch if you want an event shared.                When  you  spill  across  a  border,  is  it  just  because  you
                                           Just  before  the  summer  I  was  back  at
                                           school  –  chatting  to  teachers  and            It only takes a moment. It is just a case of when,
                                           answering  questions  from  students.  If
                                           you are a regular reader, you will know           But  the  legacy  is  loathsome  to  the  minds  of  thinking
                                           that  I  particularly  enjoy  visiting  schools,   men.
                                           and  I  am  delighted  by  the  recent            I cannot forget, the line which I was fed.
                                           announcement  by  the  Prime  Minister
                                           confirming  a  pay  increase  for  public         “It only takes one lunatic”, is what my teacher said.
                                           sector workers including teachers.
                                                                                             “It only takes one lunatic”, is what I learned back then,
                                           For  more  details  about  what  I  have
        been doing – both as your Member of Parliament, and also as Solicitor General,       As history repeats and then repeats itself again.
        you can sign up on my website to my email newsletter. I send these out monthly,                            Paul J Openshaw (March 2022)
        and  you can unsubscribe at  any  time.  Although  we have been on recess,  my

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