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October 2023                                                                        October 2023
       the  Khyber  Pass  was  no                                                           NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER
       comic  ‘Carry  on  up  the
       Khyber’.      There   was   a                                                        September  is  always  a  strange  month  in  politics.
       s t u n n i n g    v i e w    i n t o                                                Parliament  sits  for  three  weeks,  and  then  rises  again
       Afghanistan    but  curtailed                                                        for  the  Conference  Recess.  The  House  will  sit  again
       when  party  had  to  rapidly                                                        later this month, and soon after that will be the State
       return  to  the  fortress  safety                                                    Opening  of  Parliament  in  early  November.  This  is
       because of an attack on the                                                          good news and means that I have more time in the
       head  of  the  local  police.                                                        constituency  and  at  home.  Please  do  stop  me  and
       Normal   shops   were   gun                                                          say  hello  as  you  see  me  out  and  about  -  and  as
       foundries manufacturing AK47                                                         always let me know if there is an event you would like
       rifles.    Guns  could  be  heard                                                    me to attend.
       firing at any time of day.  No
       girls  were  on  the  streets  only                                                  I  recently  visited  Poole  Men’s  Shed  in  Canford  Heath,  and  heard  about  the
       boys helping their fathers.  It may have improved in Pakistan now but perhaps its    opportunities they offer to retired and single people in the area. They do some
       an  indication  of  what  things  might  be  like  over  the  border  in  Afghanistan  even   brilliant work for the local community, sharing their experience and skills. If you’re
       now.   I know we might complain about our police force at times but compared         i nterested   in   getting   involved,    you    can    emai l   them
       to the situation there it makes me glad I live here.                       
       After that we really enjoyed our tea.                                                I’ve  also  been  out  right  across  the  constituency  –  meeting  and  chatting  to
                                                                                            residents in Bere Regis, Merley, Broadstone, Upton, Colehill and Wimborne.
       Next  month  5   October  we  are  back  to  Dorset.   Janey  Gordon is  talking about
       going underwater off the Dorset Coast.    We will find out what goes on and the                                                    During  September  I  also
       complications of diving and surviving underwater.                                                                                  raised   awareness   about
                                                                                                                                          Carbon   Monoxide   (CO)
       Please pop along on the first Thursday 2.30 pm  at  the Scout hut.   Talk  or  music                                               poisoning.  CO  is  a gas  that
       followed by tea .  Cost £3.00  No need to join just come for a chat.                                                               can be produced from any
                                                                                                                                          appliance  that  burns  gas,
                                                                                                                                          LPG,  oil,  or  solid  fuel  like
                                                                                                                                          wood. This is a subject close
       OVER THE HILL                                                                                                                      to  my  heart,  as  almost  18
                                                                                                                                          years  ago  my  younger
                                                                                                                                          brother  was  killed  by  CO
       Now  we  are  in  the  throws  of  autumn  and  as  I  begin to  write  this  article  on  the
       fourth September, I believe it is the beginning of summer time. A few minutes after                                                poisoning  –  he  went  to
       writing  this  last  sentence,  I  heard  on  the  television  the  local  forecast  ending  in                                    sleep and never woke up. A
       almost these exact words. The weather of the last few days and that forecast for                                                   faulty gas heater in his room
       the whole of next week must surely be for the true summer we should have had                                                       was giving off CO gas – he
       earlier this year. The only true indication that it is not, is the darker evenings that we   breathed  it  in,  and  he  died.  You  can’t  see  or  smell  carbon  monoxide,  so  you
       are now experiencing. Certainly the countryside around us does not accept that       don’t know if it is in your home. To prevent it, it is really important that you have
       autumn  is  here.  For  example,  the  trees  around  us,  particularly  the  oaks,  seem   your  chimneys  swept  before  use,  and  boilers  serviced  regularly  by  a  Gas  Safe
       determined to hold onto their  foliage  for much  longer than  usual.  The trees  not   registered engineer.
       only seem to be determined to refuse to start to change their foliages’ colour but   It  is  also  vital  that  you  have  a  CO  detector  in  your  home.  These  make  a  loud
       also seem determined not to lo lose any of their leaves.                             noise if they detect CO, and could save your life.  I have partnered with British
                                                                                            Gas, and have a number of detectors to give away for free. Please sign up on
       The leaf cover this year has been tremendous. You only need to look at the oak       my website if you would like one.
       woodland as you drive around our local roads and you will see what I mean. The

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