Page 59 - BR October 2023 (1)
P. 59

October 2023                         October 2023

 If you have any symptoms of CO poisoning: headaches, dizziness, breathlessness,   Privacy at the Dispensary hatch
 nausea,  collapse,  and  loss  of  consciousness,  don’t  delay  -  get  fresh  air
 immediately.  Open  doors  and  windows,  turn  off  gas  appliances  and  leave  the   We would be grateful that once patients have given their name to the dispenser
 house.  See  your  doctor  immediately  or  go  to  hospital.  If  you  think  there  is  an   that  they  stand  back  so  the  dispenser  has  room  to  take  the  name  of  the  next
 immediate danger, call the Gas Emergency Helpline on 0800 111 999.   patient or call patients to collect their medication. It’s getting a little congested at
       times and is leaving little room for privacy! Thank you for your co-operation
 For  more  details  about  what  I  have  been  doing  –  both  as  your  Member  of
 Parliament, and also as HM Solicitor General, you can sign up on my website to
 my email newsletter. I send these out monthly, and you can unsubscribe at any   Urgent nurse appointments
 time. If you have an issue that needs resolving, please do get in touch – my team
 and I can’t promise miracles, but we will do our best to help.    We would like to remind patients that we do not have a walk in nursing service.
       We accommodate patients where we can but it is not possible to see a nurse on
 If you need  to get in  touch,  you  can contact  me  via  email   demand.  It is likely their time will already be utilised seeing patients who have a  or  call  my  office  on   booked  appointment.    There  are  minor  injuries  units  in  Blandford,  Wimborne,
 01202 624216.    Swanage and Weymouth who may be able to help.

 Michael Tomlinson MP   LOCAL MEMBER OF
 holds regular surgeries   PARLIAMENT   (AUTUMN LEAVES)
 in the constituency.  For
 details of forthcoming   Go up the Khyber
 surgeries or to make an       With the warm weather and the change of speaker,
 appointment, please   numbers  were  a  bit  down  at  our  September
 contact his office.     01202 624216   meeting.    Laura  Maunder  stepped  into  the  breach  giving  us  a  talk  about  her
    experiences  in  1999  working  for  the  British  High  Commission  in  Islamabad  in
       Pakistan.   I know it  was  20 years ago but this  was  in the  time  when  the  Taliban
       were  in  power  when  Osama  Bin  Laden  was  carrying  out  his  terrorist  campaign
       from Afghanistan.
       Laura gave  us  a brief outline  of  the  country  and its  history  since independence
    Did you Know?   and partition.  She had previously worked as a Border force officer in this Country
       before taking this post in Islamabad.  Her Job was to process applications for Visas
       for  people  to  travel  here.    This  involved  examining  and  checking  all
 Would you like to have the parish magazine delivered to your door each month   documentation and to interview the applicants.  It was interesting to note that this
 if you live within the parishes?   was  only  applications  for  visas  and  only  about  10  per  cent  of  applicants  were

 We have a fantastic team of volunteer distributors who undertake the   successful  because  of  lack  the  correct  documentation  and  fraudulent
       applications.    Perhaps  it  explains  why  it  takes  so  long  to  process  migrant
 delivery of this magazine, and for just £10 a year (which is £2 less than you   applications nowadays.  It seems that nothing has changed much in the last 20
 would pay at the retail price and no charge for delivery),  you could be included   years.
 on one of these rounds.
       She showed us pictures of life in the country.  There were brightly painted buses
 Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison Debenham      called ’jumblies’,  pictures of villages and fields clinging to mountainsides.  I get
 or  01929 471780   puffed walking to the shop and would not last long there.  Her account of a trip to

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