Page 48 - BR October 2023 (1)
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October 2023                                                                        October 2023

       POP IN PLACE NEWS                                                                    DORSET TRADING STANDARDS

        Thank you to all who supported our                                                  Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and
        Macmillan coffee morning                                                            approve businesses so you don’t have to.
                                                                                            For more information visit or
        More details will follow next month                                                 call 08454 040506.
                                                                                            To report or seek advice about problems you have
        Pop In Place Food Crisis Support                                                    experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.

        The Pop In Place have a Food Crisis Project, if you are struggling and you need    Single-use plastics are only used once before they're thrown away. The problem
        food  please  get  in  touch  we    have  gained  funding  to  provide    crisis  packs  for   with plastic waste is that it doesn't break down, it only breaks up into smaller and
        people in the Parish in a difficult situation.                                     smaller parts. This impacts the environment and wildlife for years to come.
        If you need this service please email in confidence, and we will help.             According to estimates, England uses 2.7 billion items of single-use cutlery, most of
                                                                                           which are plastic,  and 721 million single-use  plates  per  year. Of  these,  only 10%
                                         Gardeners appeal for fruit and                    are recycled. If 2.7 billion pieces of cutlery were lined up, they would go round
                                                                                           the world over eight and a half times (based on a 15cm piece of cutlery).
                                                                                           Previous efforts to eliminate avoidable plastic waste, include:
                                         If anyone has a glut of any veg or fruit and
                                         would like to donate them to others, we will      One  of  the  world’s  toughest  bans  on  microbeads  in  rinse-off  personal  care
                                         have a box outside the door of the village        products announced in 2018.
                                         Hall  on  a  Thursday  nights  to  collect  them   Restrictions on the supply of single-use plastic straws, drink stirrers and cotton buds
                                         and  then  we  will  have  a  stall  at  the      in 2020.
                                         community  café  the  next  morning.  Thank
                                         you to everyone who is already doing this it      Plastic  Packaging  Tax  in  April  2022  whereby  a  tax  of  £200  per  tonne  was
                                         is greatly appreciated.                           introduced on plastic packaging manufactured in, or imported into the UK, that
                                                                                           does not contain at least 30% recycled plastic.

        Pop In Place Movement to Music Classes                                                                                           The  5p  single-use  carrier  bag
                                                                                                                                         charge,  in  May  2021  which
        The classes will take a holistic approach to wellbeing.  They are primarily designed                                             was  increased  to a  minimum
        to promote physical health by helping people of all ages and abilities stay or get                                               charge of 10p and extended
        more  active,  improve  overall  fitness,  muscle  strength  and  joint  flexibility  using  a                                   to  all  retailers,  taking  billions
        combination  of  chair  based  exercises  and  dance/gentle  aerobics  based                                                     of bags out of circulation.
        ones.  Over time I will be creating some simple routines for some of the exercises
        as this can help with cognitive functioning.   All  the exercises will be to music to                                            Last year the UK Government
        promote mental health and well-being and where possible, movements can be                                                        consulted  on  banning  other
        adapted, so that people with movement limitations can still join in. There is also no                                            types of single use plastic and
        pressure on anyone to do all the exercises and if anyone wants to sit out any of                                                 they  reported  that  over  95%
        them  they  will  be  very  welcome.  The  classes  will  be  in  a  friendly  relaxed                                           of  those  who  responded  to
        atmosphere where everybody will be made very welcome.                                                                            the  consultation  were  in
                                                                                                                                         favour of the bans.
         The classes are 45 minutes in duration and will be held every Monday from 11am-
        11:45 at the Village Hall.  The cost is £4 per class payable on arrival at the hall                                              So,  in  October  2023  a  new
                                                                                                                                         ban  on  other  singe  use

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