Page 45 - BR October 2023 (1)
P. 45

October 2023                         October 2023
        seaward length I noticed a family tucked in the rocks observing my every move.
        On the sunbathing shelves there were families enjoying the day and idling away
        the afternoon.

        Some were in wetsuits, presumably after coming off the beach from surfing. Diana
        told me later one little chap aged about three came to his mum and dad as he
        needed a wee. His dad had shown him how to use the pool as  there were no
        facilities  on  site.  I  was  however  comforted  by  the  fact  that  the  nearly  million
        gallons of seawater in the lido was regularly replenished by the ocean.
        As  we  climbed  the  steps  and  looked  back  over  the  pool  and  the  ocean  I
        thought, who needs to go abroad or to exotic locations when we have this on
        our own doorstep, so English, so timeless. I could have stayed all day, but we had
        to make our way back to Dorset.
                                                                    Bob Holman

                      A D V E R T I S E R S

              Now is the time to start thinking about

                your regular advert.  Do you need to

             make any changes, has your information


                Would you perhaps like a refreshed

                         layout or new graphics?

              Renewal notices will be going out next

             month, so do let me know if you would

                                like a new look.

                                                   Alison  -   471780

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