Page 68 - oct2022
P. 68

October 2022                         October 2022

 In her last Christmas address last year, Elizabeth again pointed to Christ when she   you more information, include:
 said  “Jesus  whose  teachings  have  been  handed  down  from  generation  to
 generation,  and  have  been  the  bedrock  of  my  faith.  His  Birth  marked  a  new   Pilates    Kathy Ashdown   07967655159
 beginning. As the carol says ‘The hopes and fears of all the years are met in the   Yoga     Frances White   07974391349
 tonight.’”  The  Queen was  truly remarkable, and  the  traits  that she is  most often
 prayed for are the same traits consistent with the christian faith as taught in the   Short Mat Bowls      Peter Talbot     01929472483
       Briantspuddle Singers   Andrea Smith    01929471412
 I noted earlier that the Queen had been one of the few constants in my life and it
 saddens  me  deeply  that  she  is  no  longer  here  with  us.  However,  a  greater   Community Talks      Mike Menzies   01929471263
 personal  constant  that  I  share  in  common  with  the  Queen  is  my  own  faith.  I   Arts Reach        Deborah Hepburn  07788100273
 became a Christian as a child when I first understood the gospel message that
 Christ died for my sin, rose again from the dead and offers eternal life as a free   Coffee Shop       Jenny Beedle   01929471002
 gift for those who trust Him for it. As much as possible in my own life, I seek to echo   Let’s Lunch        Jenny Beedle   01929471002
 the  Queen’s  sentiments  regarding  the  importance  of  Jesus  Christ  and  my  own
 personal dependency on and accountability to Him.    Hall Bookings      Angela Tozer   01929472434
 It is my hope that this national time of mourning will affect people in at least one
 of two ways. Firstly, for those who have no faith, it is my prayer that this will be a   We look forward to seeing you in the Village Hall
 reminder of the temporary and transient nature of life on this earth. The writer of
 Ecclesiastes  said  ‘man  goes  to  his  long  home,  and  the  mourners  go  about  the   Allan Smith
 streets’ (Ecclesiates 12:5). The end will inevitably come for us all one day, and just
 as the Queen did, my prayer for each of us reading this is that we would consider
 what  awaits  us  beyond  this  life.  Secondly,  it  is  my  hope  that  in  this  time  of   ERICA TRUST LAND UPDATE AUTUMN 2022
 mourning, the comfort of Christ that is found in the Scriptures (eg 2 Corinthians 1:3-
 4) would be tangible to those who seek it.
       It  has  been  wonderfully  gratifying  to  have  had  so  many  reports  of  the  wildlife
 John Williams   expanding    over  or  colonising  the  restored    habitats  of  our  landholding  and  to
       hear of those enjoying the recovering landscape.

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