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P. 70

October 2022                         October 2022

 By The Rt Revd Andrew   Operation Mincemeat
 Rumsey, Bishop of   A  reminder  that  ‘Operation  Mincemeat’  (certificate
 Ramsbury   12A) will be this year’s Purbeck Film Festival showing at
       Briantspuddle Village Hall on Friday 21  October.
 ‘The  past  is  a  foreign  country:  they
 do  things  differently  there’,  as   This  unlikely,  but  true,  story  of  Naval  intelligence
 novelist  L.P.  Hartley  famously  began   convincing  the  Germans  that  the  Allies  intended  to
 his  affecting  tale  The  Go-Between.   invade  Greece  and Sardinia  rather than Sicily is  very
 The momentous events in our nation   well directed, skilfully acted and with some very clever
 during September have reminded us   special effects.  The  film  credits  the  ruse  of floating  a
 how elastic time can be – and how   corpse  with  misleading  papers  to  be  found  by  the
 a  mere  day  or  two  can  become   Germans off the coast of Spain to one Ian Fleming –
 elongated  by  significance,  so  that   who of course went on to create his own entirely fictional spy. Running through
 the  time  before  appears  remote   the  story  of  deception  are  tales  of  love  and  loyalty,  at  an  individual  and
 and indeed foreign to us.    governmental  level.  The  film  is  based  on  the  book  of  the  same  name  by  Ben
 The Psalmist asks God to teach us how to number our days, that we may apply
 our  hearts  to  wisdom,  with  the  inference  that  we  should  understand  both  the   The  cast  includes  Colin  Firth,  Matthew  Macfadyen,  Kelly  Macdonald,  Penelope
 constraints and gifts of our allotted time span and turn to the one who holds these   Wilton, Simon Russell Beale and Jason Isaacs.
 days in his hand. As the seasons shift, the Christian year adopts a memorial tone,   Tickets are £6.50 or £5.00 for students and under 25s. They can be ordered through
 as  we  prepare  to  look  back  in  thanksgiving  for  all  those  God  has  given  us  as   the  Purbeck  Film Festival  website –  Alternatively  contact
 examples of good and holy life. This leads naturally from Harvest or Creationtide   me  -  tel:  01929  472724  or  -  and  I  will  see  if  I  can
 as those weeks are increasingly known, when we offer up in gratitude all we have   help. Any spare tickets can be bought on the night.
       The  doors  will  open  at  7.00pm.  There  will  be  no  interval  but  a  bar  and  teas,
 The  approaching  winter  is  feared  this  year  by  some  and  will  doubtless  bring   coffees  and  ice  creams  will  be  available  before  the  film  starts  at  7.30pm.  Do
 hardships to many cross the country, with escalating costs of heating and food.   come along to support the Film Festival and your village hall and see an excellent
 Communities will not only need material relief during these months, but the kind of   film.
 spiritual resilience that comes from strong bonds of neighbourhood and a deep,
 prayerful reliance on God. A few people in a parish cheerfully living this way can   Lesley Wilcox
 have a  wonderful,  luminous  effect, lighting the onward path for  others. So may
 Christ inspire each of us to ‘do things differently’, not only in the past, but in the
 weeks to come.

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