Page 50 - oct2022
P. 50

October 2022                         October 2022

 The  effect  of  the  removal  of  plants  that  photosynthesise  using  up  the  carbon   Blankets for Bere
 dioxide  in  production  of  carbohydrates,  which  are  used  in  the  growth  of  the
 plants  and  animals  has  meant  that  sunlight  can  penetrate  the  atmosphere,   The Pop In Place is building a stock of
 heating the earths surface to an extent not experienced before .   lovely  hand-  made  blankets  that  our
       ladies  are  knitting  for  the  colder
 This  situation is  not  helped by  the reduction  of  the world  plant  populations,  the   weather. If you would like one of these
 amount of cleared areas for human use such as for housing, motorways, airports,   free  of  charge  just  get  in  touch.  The
 shipping  ports,  shopping centres,  sports  areas,  mines,  the  removal  of  peat  from   Pop  In  Place is committed  to  helping
 bogs for fertiliser and compost and of course industry generally, which is by far the   the local community in crisis so please
 biggest one in the use of raw materials used in production of metal objects and   do get in touch they are available to
 heating.    anyone who want one.
 The  main  problem  is  the
 creation  of  excess  carbon   Pop In Place Food Crisis Support
 dioxide   produced   from
 industrial  processes  and  in   The  Pop  In  Place  have  launched  a  new  Food  Crisis  Project.  We  have  gained
 producing  heat  for  housing,   some limited funding to provide one off crisis packs for people in the Parish in a
 education   establishments,   critical situation, with no food.  We ask for donations of money, rather than food
 hospitals,   hotels   sporting   so that we can be very specific about what is put into the packages, ensuring it is
 facilities   and   industrial   of most use. Cheques can be made out to "Pop In Place" and handed into our
 buildings burning oil and coal.   Friday Cafe as can cash.
 However  it  does  not  end
 there because coal is not the   If you need this service please email in confidence, and
 only  producer  of  CO2.  The   we will help.
 burning  of  wood,  peat  and  oil  has  been  a  monumental  problem  too.  For
 example, nearly three hundred years ago Scotland had a huge forest of conifers,
 the Caledonian Pine Forest This forest covered some 3,000,000 acres but most of it
 was  felled  to  provide  fuel  for  the  smelting  of  iron  ore.  So  you  see  when  we
 mention the felling of the Amazon Forrest for timber and fuel, we must not be too
 In  my  time  I  have  walked  many  miles  in  the  conifer  plantations  on  the  South
 Downs  in  Hampshire.  Here  thousand  upon  thousands  of  pine  trees  have  been
 planted on chalk land and we know that all conifers prefer to be on acidic soils.
 However any help is gratefully accepted.
 What must we do to save our planet? I have got a lot more to write on this subject
 but unfortunately I must move on and I would like to tell you another story about
 Old Bob, who worked on the farm where I was a student many years ago. Old
 Bob was a lover of past years and activities. His ideas of tractors replacing horses
 on the farm was something that horrified him. If he wanted to go anywhere, it had
 to be local and accessible on foot or riding his bicycle. Under extreme conditions
 and  it  being  absolutely  necessary  he  would  actually  catch  the  local  bus.  He
 hated cars and felt far from happy being  ”enclosed” in one.
 When it came to the case of his eldest daughter’s wedding, he was absolutely   839209
 lost  in  a  world  of  his  own  and  his  wife  and  daughter  were  left  to  arrange  and

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