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October 2022                                                                        October 2022

       anthem,  accompanied  with  much  flag-                                              WILD WOODBURY
       waving  when  we  held  a  wonderful  jubilee
       tea  party  in  early  June  to  celebrate  the
       Platinum Jubilee.                                                                    1 Year on
       Little did we know that Her Majesty’s passing                                        I can hardly believe it, but
       was just around the corner, but how happy                                            the 1  October marks the 1
       we  all  were  that  she  was  able  to  witness,                                    year point since the Dorset
       through  the  Platinum  Jubilee  celebrations,                                       Wildlife  Trust  took  on  Wild
       the  great  love  and  respect  that  is  held  for                                  Woodbury,  in  this  issue
       Her  throughout  the  United  Kingdom  and                                           we’ll  take  a  look  back  at
       beyond.                                                                              the  past  12  months  and
                                                                                            reflect   on   what   has
       As the world, the country, and of course our                                         happened  on  site  and
       small village of Bere Regis, mourn the great                                         how  we  managed  to  get
       loss, it calls to mind her words… “Grief is the                                      there.
       price you pay for Love.”
                                                                                            Right from the off, we were being surprised by how much the land can change in
       Rest  in  peace  Ma’am,  thank  you  for                                             a short space of time, when given the space to rest and recover. Wildlife started
       everything.                                                                          moving  back  in  immediately,  from  wood  mice  naturally  aerating  the  land,

                                                                   Alison Bennett           invertebrates  buzzing  around  the  colonising  flora,  and  birds  singing  again
                                                                                            overhead.  We  could  see  in  action  that,  by  letting  nature  lead,  we  can  quickly
                                                                                            restore landscapes and the associated species.
       BERE REGIS SPORTS CLUB                                                               None of what has been achieved throughout this first year could have happened
                                                                                            without the immense support from volunteers on the project, and members of the
                                                                                            local  community  who  have  been  supporting  the  work  happening  at  Wild
       Cricket Section                                                                      Woodbury.  Starting  off  with  practical  work  parties  at  the  start  of  the  year,  we
                                                                                            racked  up  342  hours  of  volunteering,  clearing  scrub,  Ash  trees  and  non-native
       Below are the results from the end of August and the final                           vegetation. Combined with all the volunteer surveying that has been happening
       fixture of the season in September.                                                  since the Spring, we are now approaching 1000 hours of volunteering over the 1
                                                                                            year  on  site  –  all  of  which  has  been  crucial  for  prepping  the  site  ready  for
       The  1   XI  finished  fourth  in  the  Dorset  Premier  Cricket                     rewilding,  and  for  understanding  what  species  we  have  on  site  and  how  the
       League,  the  2   XI  came  fifth  in  County  Division  Three,                                                           abundance  and  diversity  changes
       whilst  the  Evening  XI  finished  in  second  place  in  the                                                            over time.
       Dorchester & District Evening League.
                                                                                                                                 Although the practical work will mostly
                                                                                                                                 stop once we have livestock on site (as
       1  XI                                                                                                                     they'll  be  doing  most  of  it  for  us!),  the
                                                                                                                                 survey  work  will  only  increase  as  we
       Saturday 13 August lost to Poole Town CC by 8 wickets – Sam Goodhew 1-23, Pete                                            move  forward  and  continue  to
       Russell 35
                                                                                                                                 discover what the site holds. There will
       Saturday 20  August beat Broadstone CC by 64 runs – Sam Goodhew 2-31, Sam                                                 likely  be  the  odd  practical  job  come
       Goodhew 137 not out                                                                                                       up  here  and  there,  but  certainly
                                                                                                                                 nothing  that  regular.  However,  there
       Saturday  27  August  lost  to  Puddletown  CC  by  46  runs  –  Sam  Goodhew  4-14,                                      will  likely  be  other  volunteer  roles
       Richard Cole 22

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