Page 43 - br-oct-2021
P. 43

October 2021                         October 2021


 Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites
        Mike Benjafield
        We were very sad to hear of the death of our dear Mike,

        he was a sterling volunteer driver with us for many years
 Spicy Tomato Chutney   and  helped  bring  the  most  isolated  of  people  to  our
        cafes. This is such a vital role as it gives people company

 There are only so many tomatoes you can eat in a salad so why not   that they so enjoy.
 make some chutney. Makes wonderful gifts and goes so well with cheese   Mike  was  one  of  the  most  knowledgeable  people  you  could  meet  and
 and cold meats. Its also easy to make.   everyone’s first choice for a quiz team.

        Mike will be greatly missed by the wider community but most of all by his family
 Ingredients   and  we  send  our  love  and  deepest  sympathy  to  Kim,  Bryan,  Hannah  and  his
    1kg ripe tomatoes, peeled and chopped   beloved Grandchildren.
    400g granny smith apples peeled and chopped
        Thank you
    240g onions chopped
    375ml malt vinegar   Thank you to everyone who supported our Macmillan Coffee Morning last month
        and to all who donated Raffle Prizes.
    220g brown sugar

    1/4 tsp chilli powder
        Pop In Place Rainbow Café
    1/2 tsp mustard powder
        The  café’  are  going  well  and  we  are  still  operating  within  the  covid  safe
    120g sultanas   guidelines, please do call in on a Friday morning there is a warm welcome to all.
    1 clove of garlic crushed   If you need a lift telephone Kim 01927 471170

    2 tsp curry powder
    2 tsp ground allspice   New volunteer drivers
        We are  in  need  of  some more people to help  with  transport  please  phone  Kim
 Method   Benjafield if you can help us by being part of a rota 01929 471170
 1.   Combine all the ingredients in a large saucepan
 2.   Stir over heat until the sugar has dissolved without boiling.   Repair Shop
 3.   Then bring to the boil, simmer uncovered for about 1hr, stirring   Over the coming weeks we will be doing some wood work in the Lower room of
    occasionally until the mixture is thick.   the hall  making bird boxes and bug hotels etc  if you are interested in doing this
        please come in a sign up for a session.
 4.   Spoon  the  hot  chutney  into  warmed  sterilised jars  and  seal  while
        Pop In Place Performers Group bringing live entertainment to
        the community

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