Page 35 - br-oct-2021
P. 35

October 2021                         October 2021


 Partners for Storth
 Machinery, Borger, Weda &   We may be lucky and have some warm, bright days
 Franklin Electric Pumps &   in  October  to  remind  us  of  Summer.  But,  in  truth
       October brings us well and truly into Autumn and the
 Motors.   season of morning mists and mellow fruitfulness. It’s a
       time when swallows and other birds prepare for their
 Specialists In Slurry Handling   migration to warmer climes and nature generally slows
 & Scaper Systems, Iron   down as it prepares itself for a rest over the winter months. Nevertheless, there are
 Filtration, Rain Water   plenty of birds that over winter here and mammals that are active throughout the
       winter season. It is vitally important that they have a good food source. So, please
 Harvesting,    don’t be over tidy in your gardens – leave some seed heads and dead foliage.

 Bore Hole Installation.   This will provide food for birds and refuges for various insects like ladybirds. Also, if
       have  you  have  a  bird  feeder  keep  it  topped  up  and  if  you  don’t,  why  not
 Members of the ECA. SMAS   consider getting one – the birds provide a great spectacle.
 Approved Contractors.   Autumn Colours
       One  of  the  joys  of  this  time  of  year  are  the  colours  that  Autumn  brings  to  our
       deciduous  trees.  Depending  upon  the  variety  of  tree,  we  can  be  treated  to
    G P Lewis    glorious red, yellow, brown and orange tones before the leaves fall. The intensity
       of the colours varies from year to year, influenced by temperature, sunlight and
 Interior/Exterior Painter & Decorator   rainfall.

       Leaves appear green during the tree’s growing season due to the presence of
 All aspects of painting and   chlorophyll, which is abundant in the leaf's cells during the growing season. The
 decorating undertaken including   chlorophyll's  green  colour  dominates  and  masks  out  the  colours  of  any  other
       pigments that may be present in the leaf.
 Domestic, New builds, Refurbs   Chlorophyll has a vital function as it captures sunlight and the resultant energy is
 and Commercial.   turned into the tree’s food and sustains its growth.
 Qualified and with over 30 years   As autumn approaches, daylight hours shorten and temperatures drop. With that,
 experience, will offer friendly   the amount of chlorophyll in the leaf begins to decrease. In turn, the green colour
 advice if needed.   fades revealing the colours of other pigments that are present in the leaves but
       hidden by the dominant green colour of chloophyll.
    1st class finish   If you require a job done hassle free   As  Autumn  progresses  other  chemical  production  in  the  leaf  changes.  These
    Free written quotes   by an honest, friendly tradesman   weaken the adhesion of the leaf stalk to the tree’s branches. This allows the leaf
 please give Gavin a call on
    Fully insured   01929 471704 or 07977   to break away and fall to the ground, often aided by Autumn winds.
    No job too small or big   047314, Email:   The  benefit  to  the  tree  of  shedding  its  leaves  is  that  it  can  then  preserve  the
    No VAT   moisture in its  branches and  trunk, instead  of  drying  out  and dying.  A  dormant   tree  needs  less  energy  to  remain  alive.  Leafless  trees  are  also  better  able  to

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