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P. 72

November 2022                       November 2022
 Benefice Messy Church

 Sunday  27   November,  4pm  online.    Our  theme  will  be  Waiting  –  it  is  Advent
 Sunday,  and  we  are  preparing  for  Jesus’  birth  at  Christmas.    Please  book  your
 Messy Church Bag by contacting Pat Wharf
 Benefice Advent Carol Service
 Sunday 27  November, 6:30pm at the church of Holy Rood, Wool.
 This traditional service takes the Advent theme of Darkness to Light as we wait for
 the coming Messiah through words and music.  All welcome.
 Life events
 Please do get in touch with me if you are interested in the church being involved
 in any of your life events at Affpuddle or Bere Regis.
 From  the  sad  ones  –  Funerals,  to  the  happy  and  joyful  ones  –  Christenings  and
 Weddings, we’re here for you.

 We are hoping to have a Confirmation Service in the Spring, so please do get in
 touch, adult or young people, if you are interested in getting confirmed.
 Rev  Sandra  01929  792235.    Please  use  this
 contact for any visiting requests too.

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