Page 67 - nov-2022
P. 67

November 2022                                                                       November 2022

       scheme.    The  Group  is  to  consider  the  survey  results  in  greater  detail  and  then   them to do so.  The area across the road from the churchyard, where I expect
       plan the next steps.  In the meantime the Police will be contacted to understand     many  of  you  have  parked  your  cars,  is  where  the  ricks  were  built  and  the
       how  to  manage  the  take-on  process,  selection  of  suitable  sites  to  measure   thrashing took place and is known as Rickpound.
       vehicle speed and training for volunteers.
                                                                                            Over  the  years  other  farming  activities  included  sheep,  pigs,  potatoes,  chicken
       The  Parish  Council  resolved  to  approve  a  budget  of  up  to  £150  for  the  OPOL   and turkeys as well as a dairy.  Today we farm only beef sucklers and cereals.  The
       group to cover out of pocket expenses such as village hall hire for meetings and     cereals which in former times would probably have been harvested at the rate of
       training.                                                                            1 acre a day now even with my now fairly elderly combine it is 5 acres per hour.
                                                                                            How  times  have  changed!    Today  a  new  combine  would  be  larger,  no  doubt
       At  the  October                                                                     completely computer operated and probably wouldn’t need a driver!
       Parish   Council
       meeting     there                                                                    To reflect on this year’s cereal harvest when the weather just kept getting warmer
       were in excess of a                                                                  and drier at one time we feared we could be facing a repeat of 1976 which, as
       dozen members of                                                                     some of you may recall, was so hot and dry that the river completely dried up. As
       the public present.                                                                  it turned out that was not the case as this year the rain had continued into the
       Most    comments                                                                     spring whereas in 1976 it had stopped at the end of January.  This year the yield
       surrounded    the                                                                    and quality were remarkably good and I am very grateful to the good Lord for
       consideration   of                                                                   looking after us so well.
       the   retrospective
       p l a n n i n g                                                                      And Nick adds comment from West Farm. I recently watched a short piece of film
       permission  for  a                                                                   of  Ukrainian  farmers  harvesting  their  crops  whilst  missiles  and  shells  exploded
       Slurry  Lagoon  at                                                                   nearby  and  continuing  to  work  despite  the  ever  present  threat  of  landmines. It
       Southover    Farm                                                                    puts into perspective the pressures that affect us and I pray that adversity will be
       which  had  been                                                                     overcome and peace will prevail.
       built  some  3  times  the  size  of  the  original  Grant  of  Planning  Permission  (P/  Our  first  harvest  crop  at  West
       FUL/2022/04629).                                                                     Farm,  was  from  our  lovely  herd
       Residents described the effect of greatly increased traffic movements as a result    of beef suckler cows. Each year
       of filling the much larger Lagoon, and expressed concern about the breaches of       the  calves  are  kept  with  their
       the Conditions associated with the original Grant of Planning Permission.            mothers  until  about  9  months of
                                                                                            age,  by  this  time  they  are
       Comments and objections were also expressed regarding the new retrospective          virtually  as  big  as  their  mothers.
       planning  application.  Later  in  the  meeting  the  Parish  Council  considered  the   After  weaning  they  are  kept
       Application and resolved to Object to it.  A response to the Planning Authority will   inside   the   buildings   at
       be sent in due course.                                                               Woodbarn, up the lane opposite
                                                                                            the  church.  Hopefully  the  two
       There was an Agenda item to record the resignation of the previous Clerk and the     bulls,  an  Aberdeen  Angus  and
       Appointment of the new Clerk, Matt Soul.  Members introduced themselves to the       Hereford  have  done  what  they
       new Clerk and welcomed him to his new role and the Parish Council.                   are  supposed  to  do  and  their

                                                                                            progeny will fill the yards over winter. It’s not long after they have been brought in
                                                                                            that with daily contact as we feed and straw the sheds that some of them come
                                                                                            up  to  you  for  a  daily  scratch  on  the  back.  In  fact  they  can  become  very
                                                                                            demanding if you stop and will butt you for more attention! The spring store cattle
                                                                                            sales will see them off to market where they will end up on farms that specialise in
                                                                                            fattening but hopefully some of the heifers, the young female cows, might go on
                                                                                            for breeding.

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