Page 68 - nov-2022
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November 2022                       November 2022
 TURNERSPUDDLE   Well,  here  we  are.  Goodbye  summer,

       welcome  autumn.  Beautiful  crisp  sunny  days
 We invited all the farmers in our parish to come to the harvest thanksgiving service   and cosy darker evenings are now here. And
 at St Laurence, Affpuddle, to tell us how the season has been on their farm.   with  the  autumn  comes  our  autumn/winter
       season  of  activities  at  the  hall.  All  the  usual
 In  Roger’s  Hill  2021-2022  has  been  an  unusual  year  for  farming  in  this  part  of   weekly activities continue, yoga, Pilates, short
 England,  as  well  as  further afield,  with  the  effects  of climate  change felt  in  the   mat  bowls  and  we’ve just enjoyed  the return
 form of extreme heat right across Europe. But compared with France and Spain   of the Purbeck Film Festival which I’m sure all who attended thoroughly enjoyed
 with their wild fires, we have been comparatively lucky.    and  look  forward  to  next  time.  Alongside  this  Mike’s  talks  are  back  on  for  the
       autumn and keep your eye out for upcoming Artsreach events. All great evenings
 Here in Dorset from the beginning of June to late  August we had very little rain   for wrapping up warm and coming to the hall for a great evening.
 which prevented the grass from growing as it should. This meant that we didn’t
 get  a second cut of  silage  and  some  of  the silage from  the first  cut  had  to  be   Looking ahead the village hall is intending a packed December as usual, there
 used to feed the cattle while the new grass was burnt off. If the 2022-23 winter is   will be the Christmas Fayre on Sunday 4  December 11am till 3pm. There are a
 long,  then  we  will have  to buy  in  more  feed  at  considerable  expense  as  many   few stalls still available so please let me know if you’d like one, there will also be
 farmers will be in the same position and demand will be high.    mulled wine and turkey and stuffing rolls along with all the goodies on the stalls to
       fill stockings and find those slightly different presents for that family members who
 The  arable  crop  yields  were  down  on  last  year  due   seems to already have everything.
 once again to the dry weather, but the prices given for
 the grain have been good as other arable-producing   We  are  also  intending  to  hold  the
 areas  in  Europe  sadly  suffered  even  worse  than  we      Christmas  lights  competition  so  dust
 did.                                        off  your  outdoor  lights,  trim  up  the
                                             house  and  who  knows  you  could  be
 It hasn’t all been doom and gloom, however; we have   winning one of the amazing prizes on
 seen many more butterflies than in previous years and   offer this year at the lights party in the
 there has been a fabulous crop of blackberries.   week  leading  up  to  Christmas  itself.
 Shirley’s family commitment with West Farm Affpuddle is   We will draw 2022 to a close with the
 some 90 years.  Her parents, Edgar and Stella Kellaway   New  Year’s  Eve  party  at  the  hall,
 took  on  a  tenancy  of  the  farm,  then  part  of  the   tickets  will  be  available  soon  so  get
    Debenham Estate, in 1932.  The estate, of course, was   yourselves booked in for a fun night of
 sold in 1953 and  after  much deliberation over  making   dancing,  food  and  drink  and  let’s
 such a major investment, they bought the farm.   wave  goodbye  to  this  year  and
                                             welcome  in  2023  together.  An
 Times  have  changed  hugely  since  their  early  days  for   advance  notice  is  that  hopefully  we
 when they  started  they  employed  9  men and  had  10   will  see  the  return  of  the  burns  night
 cart  horses  to  work  the  land.    Cows  were  milked  by   supper  so  watch  this  space  for  more
 hand,  indeed  all  work  was  very  much  hands  on.    information.
 Cereals were harvested with a binder and the stooks of
 grain  collected  on  trailers  and  stored  in  ricks  before   As  you’ll  know  the  trustees  took  the  decision  to  maintain  hiring  rates  at  their
 being  thrashed  and  the  grain  collected  in  2  ¼  cwt   current  level  with  regular  reviews  to  monitor  the  situation.  As  we  endure  this
 sacks – which today probably no one would be strong
 enough  to  lift  and  it  would  certainly  be  illegal  to  ask
        Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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