Page 48 - br-nov-2020
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November 2020                                                                       November 2020
        President  - Ian Spalding        R  O  G  S
        Captain -  Neil Middleditch
                                     c/o Mr G R Storey, Secretary                          Hanford Prep School.
        Vice       -  Matt March
                                  9 Boswells Close, Bere Regis, BH20 7JE
        Secretary - Guy Storey                                                             Overall,  it  is  anticipated  that  close  to  1,000  youngsters  will  take  part  in  the
                                      Telephone:- 01929 471041
        Treasurer - Peter Cheeseman                                                        competition for which the closing date is November 13.
                                                                                           It is in support of the £30,000 fund raising campaign launched last month by the
              Golf Days held every month, usually the last Friday, from February through to October.    wildlife  friendly  farming  charity,  the  Countryside  Restoration  Trust,  as  its  first
               Membership currently full.   Contact Guy Storey – 471041 for waiting list and details.
                                                                                           initiative after the purchase of the iconic Bere Marsh Farm at Shillingstone, near
                                    V E N U E S   2020                                     Blandford Forum.
                                                                                           The  Barn  Owls,  a  key  indicator  species  of  a  healthy  eco  environment  and
            Date              Venue               Trophy           Winner
                                                                                           regularly spotted by families, ramblers, naturalists and cyclists using trailways and
        6th March   Ferndown Golf Club       Members Challenge  Cancelled                  footpaths  which  cross  the  92-acre  farm,  are  in  severe  danger  of  becoming
                                                                                           homeless - just before the onset of winter - because the roof of their ancient barn
        27th March   Rushmore Golf Club      GRS Trophy      Cancelled
                                                                                           is on the brink of collapse.
        24  April   Came Down Golf Club      Jim Corbin Cup   Cancelled
                                                                                           ‘The  Barn  Owls  are  iconic  of
        29th May    Salisbury and South Wilts GC   Ex-Landlord’s cup   Cancelled           Bere  Marsh  and  very  much
                                                                                           beloved  by  young  and  old
        26  June    Ashley Wood Golf Club    President’s Cup   Cancelled
                                                                                           throughout  the  surrounding
        31st July   Bulbury Golf Club        Memorial Cup                                  c o m m u n i t y .    W e    f e l t
                                                                                           compelled  to  help  the  CRT  in
        28th August   Dorset Golf and Country Club   Captain’s Cup                         its  efforts  to  save  them  from
                                                                                           becoming  forced  out  and
        25  September  Lyme Regis Golf Club   Whitbread Pairs   Steve Carpenter
                                                                                           homeless. It would have been
        30  October    Dibden Golf Centre    Zoom Trophy                                   unthinkable  not  to  act’  points
                                                                                           out Charlotte Weatherley.
          Mini Tour  -  12th-14th June  - Llandhydrock GC |  AGM  -  11th November  -      The support and enthusiasm of
           Bere Regis Sports Club |   Christmas Cup of Good Cheer  -  5th December at      the  schools  for  the  beloved
                                  Wareham Golf Club |                                      owls  struck  Dame  Judi,  Patron  of  the  Countryside  Restoration  Trust,  and  so  she
                                                                                           decided the youngsters should get her support.
                                                                                           Joining  her  in  the  judging  duties  will  be  local  Dorset  poet  and  writer,  David
                                                                                           Caddy, author of eight books and editor of the international literary journal, Tears
                                                                                           in the Fence.
                                                                                           Says Elaine Spencer White, CRT manager at Bere Marsh, ‘Icons in the Landscape
                                                                                           is  a  wonderful  tribute  to  the  barn  owls  and  a  brilliant  subject  for  a  poetry
                                                                                           competition. I’m sure it will inspire some terrific entries and Dame Judi with David
                                                                                           Caddy will have a very challenging time picking the winners.
                                                                                           ‘We  are  grateful  to  all  the  schools  and  pupils  who  are  participating  and  are
                                                                                           delighted that the owls have evoked such affection and support.
                                                                                           ‘Saving  them  is  paramount  –  they  are  the  very  symbols  of  Bere  Marsh  and  our
                                                                                           oldest residents.’
                                                                                           Announcement of the winning entries and runners up will be on November 27.

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