Page 72 - br-november-2019
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November 2019                                                                       November 2019

       BRIANTSPUDDLE POST OFFICE AND                                                       Flowers and Cleaning Rota

       VILLAGE SHOP                                                                        Date:            Flowers:            Cleaning:
                                                                                           2 November     Christine Ralls       Christine Ralls

       We are always looking for new ideas to bring people into                            9 November     Elizabeth Whatley     Nicky Killer
       our village shop. Encouraging locals to shop with us and
       by  doing  so  support  this  valuable  facility  within  our                       16 November    Doreen Sanderson      Doreen Sanderson
       community.                                                                          23 November    Elizabeth Whatley     Audrey Grindrod
       We have just introduced a £5 gift voucher. These can be                             30 November    Advent                Elizabeth Whatley
       purchased by anyone to any value in multiples of £5.
                                                                                           7 December     Advent                Erica Moriarty
       You might consider it a useful gift for someone going through a tough time or an
       alternative to that cheap bottle of wine to be donated to the raffle.
                                                                                           ORGANIST FOR 65 YEARS!
       In  doing  so  you  will  be  encouraging  people  to  use  the  shop,  some  may  never
       have been in before, and so increase the use of our community asset.
                                                                                           Ivor  Mullins  had  been  the  organist  at  St
       The vouchers can be purchased in the shop and are valid for 6 months from the       Laurence’s church, Affpuddle for over 65 years
       date of purchase. They can be used in exchange for goods in the shop – but not      when  he  sadly  had  a  fall  last  autumn.  As  a
       the post office. No change will be given and so make sure you spend the full £5!    consequence,  due  to  his  poor  mobility,  Ivor
                                                                                           decided earlier this year, to retire.
                                                                                           No  matter  what  the  weather  or  what  time
                                                                                           services were, Ivor was always there, bright and
                                                                                           cheerful ready to play. He also served as a hard
                                                                                           -working member of the PCC. Despite the ups
                                                                                           and  downs  of  life,  including  the  sad  death  of  his  beloved  wife  Sylvia,  Ivor
                                                                                           continued to play. (He proposed to Sylvia at the church gate)
                                                                                           To  mark  Ivor’s  retirement  a  collection  was  held  and,  because  he  is  in  a  care
                                                                                           home, Ivor was asked what he wanted. He decided that a picture, similar to that
                                                                                           given to Reverend Canon Charles Masheder, would be just the thing for his room.
                                                                                           L. Paul Matthews from Puddletown was again commissioned to paint the church.
                                                                                           The result was beautiful.
                                                                                           On  Saturday  21  September,  Ivor’s  family  invited  members  of  the  PCC  to  their
                                                                                           house in Verwood for a small celebration and the presentation of the painting.
                                                                                           What  a  beautiful  afternoon  and  how  welcome  the  family  made  us.  Ivor  loved
                                                                                           every minute of it; meeting up with old friends and reminiscing about days gone
                                                                                           by.  A  real  celebration  of  65  years  of  devotion  to  playing  the  organ  at  St
                                                                                           Laurence’s church.

                                                                                           NB: If anybody would like to visit Ivor, the care home is in Wimborne and we know
                                                                                           he would love to see you. Please contact either of us for details.
                                                                                           Elizabeth Whatley, Stephen Sanderson  -  Church Wardens

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