Page 70 - br-november-2019
P. 70

November 2019                                                                       November 2019

       We have an Artsreach event on the 23  bringing a new Alan Evans play “The Tale      AUTUMN FAIR
       of Little Bevan”, details and tickets are available from Jenny Beedle and the PCC
       are putting on a concert the following evening on the 24 . With Let’s Lunch on
       the 28 .
                                                                                            On  5  October  an  Autumn  Fair  was  held  at
       A massive thank you goes to all the individuals who give so freely of their time to   The   Granary,   Briantspuddle   by   kind
       bring these  events to us, please  do make sure you support them if you possibly     permission of Janet and Marek Cropper. Stalls
       can. Along with all this we have our regular Pilates, Yoga and keep fit each week,   indoors  included  homemade  cakes,  raffle,
       I think I’m right in saying there is space at these events for those of us looking to   tombola,  ‘bottle  stall’,  bric-a-brac,  crafts,
       get our minds and bodies in order especially as we head to the indulgences of        books  and  a  hypothetical  treasure  hunt!  In
       the coming season.                                                                   the  pergola  was  the  Messy  Church  with
                                                                                            activities  and  games  for  young  people.  Tea
       Looking briefly into December so you can make some notes in your diaries don’t       and cake were also served.
       forget we have our Christmas fayre on the 1  of December, there are a few stalls
       left  but  they  are  going  fast  so  please  contact  me  if  you  would  like  one  and   A  good  time  was  had  by  all  and  over  £700
       haven’t  secured  it  yet  so  as  to  avoid  disappointment.  Santa  will  be  visiting  us   was  raised  for  St  Laurence’s  church.  Funds
       between 2&3pm, there will be various activities going on alongside the stalls and    very gratefully received as a new mower has
       possibly, if you haven’t indulged already by then, your first turkey and cranberry   recently  had  to  be  purchased  for  the
       roll and mince pie! So come down and see us between 11am and 4pm and let’s           churchyard and was very expensive.
       get  December  off  with  a  bang.  Later  in  the  month  we  will  have  the  Christmas
       lights competition so start planning your display, remember the judging is based     Thank you to everybody who participated.
       on what can be seen from the roadside. Let’s light up the village and bring some
       Christmas cheer for everyone. There will also be the Briantspuddle Singers concert
       and the Christmas lights awards party and don’t forget the New Year’s Eve party,    PURBECK VILLAGE QUIRE
       tickets will be available from the beginning of December so make sure you get
       them early so you don’t miss out on seeing the New Year in together.
       The evenings may have drawn in but there’s certainly no reason to be lonely in      On 28 September, the Purbeck Village Quire came for tea and cake and a bit of
       November.  Wrap up warm and come on out and enjoy some or all of the events         a sing, to St Laurence’s church
       available.                                                                          The  Quire, in  their  authentic  dress,  sang  several  of  the  songs  which  would  have
                                                                                           been  part  of  life  when  West  Gallery  Quires  were  to  be  heard  all  over  the  West
                            Stuart Chorley Briantspuddle Village Hall Trustees Chairman
                                                                                                                                        Country. Those in the audience
                         Contact me on either  or 07818078191                                                      could not help joining in singing
                                                                                                                                        and foot tapping.
                                                                                                                                        An  excellent,  happy  event
                                                                                                                                        which  raised  £170  for  the

                                                                                                                                        The PCC is very grateful to the
           When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw                                                                 Purbeck   Village   Quire   for
                                                                                                                                        entertaining  us  and  helping
             their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the                                                                raise funds.
              effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
                                advertising revenue!!

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