Page 67 - br-november-2019
P. 67

November 2019                       November 2019
 childlike  so  that  we  can  enter  God’s  kingdom.    Children  are  constantly  asking
 questions and looking for answers.  I have heard many adults say, ‘I have my own   The complexity of this project could not have been delivered without the skill and
 ideas about God’.   And everyone’s idea is different! So we need to look in the   dedication of the volunteers who came forward.  The Parish Council would like to
 right place for the right answer.  First look around at the wonderful creation and   thank those involved for answering its call for help, expertise and support.
 recognise that God made this amazing world, then look in the Bible to see what
 God  says  about  Himself,  and  also  about  us.    Children  are  very  trusting,  so  we
 need to trust what God says, knowing that He is absolutely trustworthy.  Children   Setting priorities for roads and highways for the parish
 love presents and take them eagerly.  God says we have to  receive His gift of   At  the  November  meeting,  Wednesday  13   November,  the  Parish  Council  will
 forgiveness and the new life He wants to give us.  Let us be like children, trusting
 God’s word and eagerly accepting His gifts.  God loves us so much that He gave   discuss  its  aims  and  objectives  concerning  roads  and  highways  throughout  the
 His Son, Jesus, to die for us so that we can enter God’s perfect kingdom, forgiven   Parish.  This idea is to draft a strategic plan for the foreseeable future to setting
 and  made  new  people.    What  great  love!    Life  lived  God’s  way  is  the  only   priorities.    The  Parish  Council  will  then  work  with  Dorset  Council  Highways
 satisfying way to live, and enables us to enter His kingdom.   Department with the aim of realising them.  Councillors welcome thoughts from
       residents  about  this  matter  either  in  writing  or  during  the  public  participation
       section of the November meeting starting at 7pm in the Village Hall.
 Just a Smile   Some examples of ideas raised so far include:

 A  mischievous  boy  was  asked  by  his  mother  ‘How  do  you  expect  to  get  into   A path to provide a safe connection between Briantspuddle and Affpuddle.
 heaven?’  He thought for a moment and said, “Well, I shall just run in and out and   Extension of the 30 mile an hour speed limit travelling from the B3390 Affpuddle
 keep slamming the door until they say “For goodness sake, come in or stay out”,
       crossroads towards the A35.
 and then I’ll go in.’
       Cutting back of hedges along the B3390 to improve road visibility and therefore
 News arrived in the classroom of 8 year-olds that Tommy had been injured in a   safety.
 car accident and was very seriously hurt.  Carol said to the teacher, “Let’s pray
 for him, Miss.”   You can submit ideas to the parish clerk

 When Tommy came back to school six months later most of the children wanted
 to thank God for his safe return  – but not Carol.  When asked why, she replied,   Affpuddle temporary traffic lights - Update
 “Tommy pulled my hair on the way into school!”
       The latest update is that Highways have been notified by the architect’s project
       managing  the  rebuilding  of  Peony  Cottage  that  the  rethatching  of  the  roof
       should  be  complete  by  the  end  of  October.    This  should  mean  that  the
       scaffolding  extending  onto  the  road  and  thus  the  traffic  lights  will  be  removed
 BERE HEATH METHODIST   when this work is complete.
       Concerns raised by residents
 There will not be a Service during October at Bere Heath
 Chapel  this  month,  our  Harvest  service  having  taken   A number of residents have recently raised concerns to the Parish Council, these
 place late in September.   include the nuisance caused by bonfires, dogs perceived to be dangerous, the
       safety issues caused by overgrown hedges and the proliferation of motorbikes in
 Our usual monthly ‘Buggies and Brunch’ will take place   Sears Wood.
 on  a  Saturday  morning  during  October  but  the  exact
 date has still to be confirmed.   Whilst  the  Parish  Council  does  not  have  any  powers  to  act  on  any  of  these
       matters (other than overgrown hedges) it can provide advice on how residents
 Our next Service will be on Sunday 3rd November at 3.00pm , and this will be led   may progress the concerns they have should issues persist.
 by Rev John Walker.

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