Page 72 - br-nov-2018
P. 72

November 2018                                                                       November 2018
        BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE                                                                            PARISH CHURCH OF ST LAURENCE

                                     NEWS                                                                                AFFPUDDLE

                                                                                                 AUTUMN CHURCHYARD TIDY UP
                                                                                                   SATURDAY 17th NOVEMBER 10am - 12noon
       Hall Floor
                                                                                               There will be a churchyard tidy up at the St Laurence's
       By  the  time  you  read  this  we  should  have  a                                                                                th
       repaired,  sanded  and  sealed  floor  in  the  Hall.                                  Affpuddle churchyard on Saturday 17  November from
       As  we  all  know  things  get  worn  and  tatty  by                                                         10am to 12noon.
       constant  use  and  the  Hall  is  no  exception,  this
       work is essential to keep hirers and users safe and                                   Anyone wishing to assist will be most welcome. The main
       the Hall looking good as well. The Hall will be out
       of use for about a fortnight, and although the work has been scheduled for half        task of the day will be to restore the churchyard path to
       term the trustees would like to thank regular hirers for their forbearance and co-    its proper width so please bring along your edging tools,
       operation during this time of inconvenience.
                                                                                                                  spades and rakes etc.

       Artsreach, ‘The Gathering’                                                              In the event of the tidy up being postponed due to bad

       Don’t forget to book your place by phoning Jenny Beedle on 01929471002. There                       weather there will be a tidy up on
       have already been two sell out performances in Wimborne, and we have been
       told great things about the forthcoming performance on Sunday 11  November,                         Saturday 24  November instead.
       Armistice   Day,   and   the   100    Anniversary   of   the   end   of   WW1.
       There will be a WW1 tea included in the ticket price.                                                        STEPHEN SANDERSON
                                                                                                                 Churchwarden  01305 848812

                                                    Village Hall WW1
                                                    Exhibition and Tea
                                                    Dance, Saturday 17
                                                    As  a  commemoration  and  of
                                                    the Centenary of the ending of
                                                    WW1,  the  Hall  Trustees  are
                                                    hosting an event which will be
                                                    a  celebration  of  the  cessation
                                                    of  hostilities  as  well  as  a
                                                    remembrance  of  the  sacrifice
                                                    made by so many in both wars.
       A small exhibition of artefacts will be staged in the meeting room, with tea, poetry
       readings, WW1 music and dancing. As I mentioned in the last magazine, it would
       be nice if those inclined to do so could come in period clothes.

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