Page 77 - br-nov-2018
P. 77

November 2018                       November 2018
         Cardiac Arrest Response
                                                The FREE 2 hour session covers:
 December  2   is  Advent  Sunday,  when  in  the   Seminar
                                                What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest :-
 Church  we  begin  a  season  of  preparation  for
 Christmas...even  if  in  the  secular  and  commercial   Defibrillator Awareness   ‘5 minutes to save a life’
 world  that  preparation  has  been  going  on  since   10.00a.m. - Saturday 24th November   ’Physiology of the heart’
 August in some places!!                        How to recognise Sudden Cardiac
                Briantspuddle Village Hall
 In addition to our morning services in both churches,   Arrest
 we have a special Advent Carol Service at 6pm. The   The parish now has the benefit of two   How to dial 999 :-
 singing  will  be  led  by  an  extended  choir  as  in  the   Automatic External Defibrillators ready for    what to expect
 past.  Last  year  it  was  different  because  we  were    questions you will be asked
 holding our services in the School Hall but it will be   immediate use.
 back to usual this year so please come and join us!   The existing device outside Briantspuddle   How to do CPR and why, including
        Village Hall has been supplemented by   the chance to practice.
        another in the old British Telecom Telephone   How to use your AED
 BERE REGIS BELLRINGERS   Kiosk opposite St Laurence’s Church   Recovery position/turning a patient
        Affpuddle.                              Handover to the Paramedics
 Bellringers AGM and Service
           The purchase of both defibrillators has been entirely supported by grants from Dorset
 This was held in Bere Regis church on October 13 . It was so   County Council and the National Lottery.
 good to welcome ringers form the Dorchester branch of the
 Salisbury Association. There must have been about 35 ringers.
 Apart  from  the  ringing,  we  had  a  short  service  and  their
 Annual  Meeting.  One  the  good  things  to  hear  was  the
 number of new ringers in the Diocese, which is certainly true for our own parish
 ringers and I for one am delighted how we are welcomed Sunday by Sunday to
 our services by our ringers. Thank you!

 JUNIOR   “Why don’t you come and join us at the

 CHURCH   Family Service on the second Sunday
 NEWS   of every month at 11.00 am”

 The Junior Church had a fantastic and
 vibrant  Harvest  Festival  theme  and
 service followed by a meal.

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