Page 71 - br-nov-2018
P. 71

November 2018                       November 2018

 BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH   our website – there are no booking fees to pay! You can
       also call us on 01202 912351 to reserve your tickets for collection on the door. Or
       to  buy  tickets  in  person  you  can  pop  in  to  the  Rose  and  Crown,  Lytchett
 Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by  visiting    Matravers where you can also take advantage of their fabulous meal-deal!
       To find out more or to keep up to date with all Castle Players news, go along to
 Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting
       our website Or you can email or
 Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddler Group   call us on 01202 912351.
 Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer
       Hope to see you soon!

 So   ‘British Summer Time’ has come to an end for this year, even if the glorious
 summer we have enjoyed still lingers on, in fits and starts, between the rain clouds
 and  gales.  The  clocks  and  watches  have  all  been  duly  put  back  one  hour,
 heralding ‘Autumn and Winter’, with long dark evenings and nights.
 ‘Putting back the
    clock’   reminds
 me   that   most
 people  wish  they
 could do just that
 on  occasions  in
 their lives.  If only I
 could   have   a
 fresh  start  in  life.
 If  only I could  do
 it again, and do it
 differently.  If only
 I had worked and
 tried harder.  If only I had said “Yes”.  If only I had said “No”, or kept quiet, or said
 something else..  Why did I make that decision?  Why did it happen to me?

 If only ..... why? .... and so it goes on – regrets.
 I gather it is a sign of old age when you spend more time looking backwards than
 you do looking forward!  I am beginning to find that is true! Reminiscing may be
 the only thing some people look forward to!
 Looking  back  at  the  ‘good  old  days’  can  be  quite  interesting,  enjoyable,
 stimulating and instructive, provided it is not done in anger, for too long, or too
 Those who continually look back tend to bump into things in the present, causing
 damage either to themselves or others.  Not only that, they miss out on what is
 happening today – now.
 How encouraging it is for those who truly believe and follow Jesus, through thick
 and thin, when He says, “I am the same yesterday, today and forever”. Hebrews

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