Page 52 - br-nov-2018
P. 52

November 2018                                                                       November 2018

                                                                     ROGS                   Alderney  in  the  Channel  Islands.  After  a  good
                                                                                            sail  we  arrived  in  the  evening,  just  in  time  for
                             Whitbread Pairs                                                most  of  the  crew  to  go  ashore  before  the
                                                                                            evening  meal.  The  next  morning  was  spent
                             23  ROGS  members  and  1  guest  turned  it  in  beautiful    coaching  our  nautical  skills  for  the  RYA
                             sunshine at Rushmore GC set in the heart of the historic       Competent Crew award before going ashore in
                             Rushmore  Park,  it  also  has  the  distinction  of  having  9   the afternoon.
                             holes  in  Dorset  and  the  other  9  holes  in  Wiltshire.    As
                             always,  the  day  was  started  with  an  FA  cup  style  live   The leaders and the afterguard had devised a
                             draw  which  again  threw  up  some  interesting  groups       treasure hunt and initiative test taking in most of
       pairings with the Captain and the Secretary playing as the most senior partnership   the  island  (which  only  measures  about  5  x  3
       possible, although our ability clearly didn’t match as the scores showed!!           miles).  The  test  was  meant  to  be  on  foot,
                                                                                            however, one watch hired bikes and a tandem
       The ROGS toiled in the blustery conditions, returning some fantastic scores which    and the other watch managed to hitch a lift in
       proves that the standard of golf within the ROGS is going from strength to strength
       (in most cases!!).  In 3  position was Peter “The Abacus” Cheeseman along with       a pick-up – full marks for initiative!
       his  partner  Jamie  Lake  scoring  an  impressive  43  points,  in  second  position  on   We  then  faced  a  long,  overnight  sail  back  to
       countback was “The General” Gordon Tucker and Ken “Yorkie”  Adcook with a            the English Coast. It was a magical experience for most, navigating and sailing
       fantastic 47 points, and the winners were Kris “Mukka” Meehan and our newest         by  the  stars  as  generations  of  seaman  have  done  before.  On  Saturday,  we
       member Gordon Thursfield again with 47 points, including 27 points on the back       heard that HMS Queen Elizabeth was due to leave Portsmouth on her maiden
       nine holes alone!!                                                                   voyage  to  the  United  States,  so  we  sailed  across  the  Solent  to  watch  the
                                                                                            magnificent sight of the Royal Navy’s largest warship ever, easing her way out of
       The nearest the pins were won by Kris Meehan and Brett “The Ear” Standerwick ,
       nearest  the  pin  in  2  was  again  won  by  The  Captain,  finally  the  longest  drive   the harbour and disappearing into the dusk. On the way, Elliot caught, and ate,
       competition was won by local celebrity Neil “Middlo” Middleditch……..somehow I        his first-ever mackerel – yummy!
       think we will all be reminded of that in months and possibly years to come!          Then it was back to the Project base at Hamble to begin the clean –up before
                                                                                            handing  over  the  boat  the  next  day.  Final  night  saw  the  traditional  pancake
       There were no 2’s scored on the day, therefore the money will roll over to the next   evening and inter-watch quiz, won easily by the leaders and afterguard. A very
       game at Lyme Regis!
                                                                                            tired  crew  dispersed  on  Sunday  afternoon  having  achieved  a  great  deal:
       The monthly raffle and blob money with the ROGS generosity raised a fantastic        Competent    Crew   Awards    for   everyone;   Watch   Leader   Training
       £150  for  the  Captain’s  Charities  of  Diabetes  UK  and  Epilepsy  taking  the  figure   recommendations  for  four  of  the  crew;  Rona  Project  Awards  for  most;
       nearer the £2500 mark!                                                               complimentary comments on behaviour and commitment from the Skipper and
                                                                                            above all fun and a great experience. Who’s for more?
       I  look  forward  to  seeing  you  all  at  the  next  ROGS  game  at  Lyme  Regis  GC  on

       October 26th  first tee off 11:45am.
                                                                                            DofE Activities
                                                                    Captain Tiny
                                                                                            Congratulations  to  Jordi,
                                                                                            Matt, Aidan, Will, Sammy,
                                                                                            Dan, Tom and  Amelia for
                                                                                            completing their assessed
                                                                                            DofE  Gold  expeditions  in
                                                                                            South  Dartmoor  during
                                                                                            August  and  for  Tom  for
                                                                                            completing  his  practice
                                                                                            expedition.   All   the
                                                                                            Explorers  spent  4  days

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