Page 48 - br-nov-2018
P. 48

November 2018                                                                       November 2018

        These  new  measures  together  with  the  strengthened  Data  Protection  Act,  will   NEWS FROM BERE REGIS
        curb the number of nuisance calls received by consumers.
                                                                                           PRIMARY AND PRE-SCHOOL
        If you receive nuisance calls you can report it to the ICO who may investigate
        and take action against those responsible.  The Government has already made it     Southbrook, Bere Regis, BH20 7DB  01929 471334
        easier  for  regulators  to  fine  those  breaching  direct  marketing  rules,  by  forcing
        companies  to  display  their  number  when  calling  customers  and  there  are
        increased fines for wrongdoers.
                                                                                           As we enter the final half term of 2018, with Christmas starting
        If you think you have been the victim of a scam or would like advice about your    to bear down upon us, I can only be stunned by how quickly
        consumer rights then please contact the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on       the time has gone. I will be delighted to reach January, and
        03454 040506.                                                                      my first full year as part of our wonderful school.
                                                                                           We  have  a  brand  new  curriculum,  which  is  now  fully
                                                                                           implemented; one of the targets of that curriculum was to engage parents and
                                                                                           our  community  more  fully.  As  well  as  that,  the  School  Council  have  introduced
                                                                                           ‘Apprentice  Afternoons’.  These  are opportunities for children to learn a skill that
                                                                                           might  not  otherwise  be  available  within  the  curriculum.  They  work  in  smaller
                                                                                           groups, with children of other ages, and have the opportunity to choose which
                                                                                                                               apprenticeships  they  would  be  most
                     TO ALL OUR REGULAR                                                                                        interested  in  undertaking.  This  term,  we
                                                                                                                               have  had  one  Apprentice  Afternoon
                                                                                                                               each  month  and  activities  have
                             ADVERTISERS                                                                                       included  cooking,  fencing,  origami,
                                                                                                                               Makaton, first aid and crochet. We were
              Advertising renewal invoices will be going out                                                                   lucky  to  have  the  support  of  three
                                                                                                                               parents, who came to lead apprentices
                 shortly, so now is the time for you to start
                                                                                                                               and  widened  the  opportunities  to  the
               thinking about any changes you may wish to                                                                      children. We are enormously grateful.
                         make for your advert in 2019.                                                                         Apprentice  Afternoons  have  been  a
                                                                                                                               success  and  we  hope  to  build  on  this
              New artwork will be required by 7th December                                                                     solid  foundation  next  term.  We  will  hold
                                                                                           one  in  January,  one  in  February
               in readiness for the preparation of the January                             and  one  in  March  and  each  will
                 issue.  Should you need any help with this                                take  place  on  a  Wednesday
                                                                                           afternoon.  If  you  feel  you  have  a
                       please let me know in good time.                                    skill that you could offer to a small
                                                                                           group  of  children,  please  get  in
                                                   Alison Debenham                         touch  with  our  office,  leaving  a
                                                                                           message  for  me.  Perhaps  you
                                                                  Editor                   could  teach  dance,  yoga  or
                                                                                           electronics?  Perhaps  you  could
                                                          train  apprentices  in  knitting,
                                                                                           sculpture   or   hairdressing?
                                                              01929 471780
                                                                                           Whatever  the  skill,  we  would  like
                                                                                           you to feel comfortable leading a

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