Page 35 - br-nov-2018
P. 35

November 2018                       November 2018

 BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND                  many  people  who  assisted  in  the
                                          production,  the  school  who  loaned  the
 ENVIRONMENT GROUP                        stage,  all  who  made  props  and  the
                                          backdrops  and  costumes,  helpers  who
 Join Us on our Conservation Working      made  sure  the  cast  were  in  the  right
                                          clothes  and  the  right  place  and  crowd
 Parties                                  control;  most  of  all  to  the  Beavers  who
                                          worked so hard and had a fantastic time
 We  held  our  first  Conservation  Working  Party  of  the
 Autumn  season  on  Saturday  6th  October.  We   performing for the adoring audience.
 concentrated  on  coppicing  some  willow  stools.  This  is   Beavers also visited PGL in Osmington for
 being carried out on a rotation basis, thus creating a mix of habitats for wildlife and   a  weekend  in  October,  where  they  had
 allowing light to reach the woodland floor so that wild flowers can flourish, such as   fun  climbing,  abseiling,  doing  archery,
 the Marsh Marigold pictured below.   zipwire, fencing, races and enjoying camp fire fun!  Real challenges were faced
       and  conquered  as  for  most  of  these  children,  as  it  involved  2  nights  away  from
 Along  with  other  works  our
 efforts are conserving the best   home and a packed programme of activities, plus personal organisation of clothes
    of  what  is  already  present   and taking responsibility for their own kit, which is one of the life skills that Scouting is
 along  the  riverside  walkway   trying to inculcate through the sections.  But I have yet to have a camp or night
 and  making  the  area  even   away which generates no lost property!
 more  wildlife  friendly.  Please
 come  and  join  us  at  the  next   Scout Hut Hire
 Working  Party  –  Saturday  3
 November  -  many  hands   The Scout Hut is available for hire, particularly during the daytime – rates from £7.50
 make  for  light  work;  all  are   per hour.   For more information, please contact Andrea Marshall on 01929 472588
 welcome (under 16s should be   or 0788 422 6445,
 accompanied  by  an  adult).
 No  experience  is  required,
 there’s a friendly crowd and it
 is  great  fun  too!  Or,  just  pop
 along and find out more about what we are doing.   Logs
 For our November work party we will doing some repair work at the stream edge,   Logs  for  sale.  Bags  of  seasoned  logs  £3  and  bundles  of  kindling  £1.  Proceeds  to
       Scout Group funds. Contact Bernie Lightfoot 01929 472007
 so wellingtons are advised!

 We will meet by the stream bridge bear to the Scout Hut, Elder Road at 10am or
 you can find us along the river. We normally finish about 12.30. If you have some   Contact us
 loppers or hand saws please bring them with you – if you don’t, no problem we’ll
 have some spares along with other tools.   If  anyone  would  like  further  information  about  Bere  Regis  Scout  Group  or  the
       Kingsbere  Explorer  Scout  Unit,  all  the  contact  details  for  the  individual  sections
 Further  work  parties  will  be  held  on  Saturday  1   December  and  on  dates  in  the   (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers) are available in the village directory at the
 New Year, to be announced.   back of this magazine.  General enquiries and offers of help/assistance: Neal Unitt-
       Jones on 01929 472273.

 Help Us Record Ancient and Veteran Trees   Scout Group Publicity: Andrea Marshall on 01929 472588 and Helen Unitt-Jones on
       01929 472273.
 You can help us identify and record ancient and veteran trees in the Parish. Join us
 on  a  walk  to  survey  these  trees.  Our  first  session  will  be  held  on  Saturday  17th

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