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May 2024                                                                             May 2024

       BERE REGIS SCOUTS                                                                   I left college in 1962 and joined the Met Office as an observer. After initial training
                                                                                           in London I was posted to RAF Little Rissington on the Cotswolds. It was here that a
                                                                                           certain young lady spotted me as I emerged from the Flying Wing building to look
                                                                                           up at the sky estimating the cloud height. Diana thought I was some kind of poet
       Big Bere Breakfasts                                                                 or philosopher as I looked upwards in a bemused state coming to grips with my
                                                                                           newfound skill. She was persuaded by her work colleague to go and sell me some
       Prior  to  the  amazing  Scout  expedition  to  Borneo  last  year,  the  participants,  all   raffle tickets and to this day I swear that she won me in a raffle!
       Explorer  Scouts,  helped  raise  money  with  the  hugely  successful  monthly  Borneo
       Breakfasts.  The  next  expedition,  planned  for  Nepal,  is  some  years  away  and   The rest is history as they say, and we have been happily married for 60 years this
       fundraising hasn’t started yet.                                                     year. She  has  been  the love of my  life ever  since  and I  must  say  it takes  a very
                                                                                           special  person  to  put  up  with  me!  We  married  in  1964  and  spent  our  first  three
                                                 The  Borneo  Breakfasts  not  only
                                                 raised  funds,  but  also  became  a      years in a caravan. Samantha our eldest daughter soon arrived and I managed to
                                                 very  popular  social  event  for  the    subsidise my modest met office salary by doing some part-time gardening for the
                                                                                           local  squire.  We  eventually  sited  our  caravan  on  a  beautiful  park  overlooking  a
                                                 community.  Hence,  this  year,  a
                                                 bunch  of  oldies,  who  call             lovely Cotswold valley. However, facilities were very basic and we were pumping
                                                 themselves “Recycled Scouts and           water from a well until mains water arrived.
                                                 Guides”,  have  taken  up  the            In 1968 my father fell gravely ill and I was given a compassionate posting back to
                                                 challenge  of  putting  on  a             North  Devon  to  be  near  him  in  his  final  months.  We  were  able  to  buy  our  first
                                                 monthly  breakfast,  thus  raising        bungalow and really felt we were moving up in the world. It was soon after that
                                                 funds  for  the  Scout  Group,  and       Diana  became  an  Avon  lady.  She  called  on  the  wife  of  the  Area  Manager  for
                                                 providing that all important social       Betterwear  who  promptly  offered  her  a  job  selling  brushes  mops  and  polishes.  I
                                                 gathering.                                joined her on her first day and found that I was quite effective in the job. So much
                                                                                           so that a few months later I was offered the Area Manger’s job for Dorset which is
                                                                                           why we came to live in Bere Regis in 1970.

                                                                                           For us our time here in Dorset has been a very special part of our lives. We have
       The April ‘Big Bere Breakfast’ saw                                                  made so many good friends and done so many happy and joyous things together.
       the  team  serve  130  breakfasts                                                   We  have  put  down  roots  and  have  been  made  to  feel  so  much  part  of  the
       and raise a profit of over £400!                                                    community. Miranda was born in 1972  and our  family  was complete.  Family  has
                                                                                           been so important to us both and our wonderful grandchildren Danny, Evie and
       The  ‘Big  Bere  Breakfast’  is  held                                               Robert have brought us great joy!
       every month (except August and
       December)  on  the  2   Saturday                                                    I was soon to change jobs again joining Canada Life and spending the next 35
       from  9am  to  1130am  at  the                                                      years in the insurance industry. It was a job I embraced and loved. Many clients
       Scout  Hut.  A  full  range  of                                                     became  good  friends,  and  I  was  able  to  build  a  rewarding  career  leading  the
       breakfasts  are  served  from  the                                                  company on a couple of occasions. I loved it!
       monster  Full  Breakfast  to  light                                                 My interest in swimming was still there and I started playing water polo first for the
       bites  on  toast  and  vegetarian                                                   newly  formed Blandford  team  and then down in the River  Brit for  Bridport. I  also
       options, ranging in price from £3                                                   had  a  few  years  playing  for  Bournemouth.  I  joined  the  PTA  at  the  Bere  Regis
       to  £7.50.  Payment  can  be  by                                                    Primary School and encouraged by teachers Bryan Clarke and Jane Phillips took
       cash or card.                                                                       the first of my swimming teacher’s qualifications. But what was I to do with these

       Come and join us next on Saturday 11  May.                                          new-found  skills?  Form  the  Bere  Regis  Swimming  Club  of  course!  I  had  already
                                                                                           been teaching swimming at the school when I put posters up in the village inviting
                                                                   Ian Ventham             everyone  to  a  meeting  at the  school  in  1976.  Enough  people  turned  up  to  that
                                                                                           inaugural meeting for the Bere Regis Swimming Club to be born and for the next

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