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May 2024                                                                             May 2024
       BERE REGIS                                                                           DORSET TRADING STANDARDS

                                                                                            Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and
                                                                                            approve businesses so you don’t have to.
       A  reminder  that  we  have  2  bank
       holidays in May.                                                                     For more information visit or
                                                                                            call 08454 040506.
       We  will  be  closed  Monday  6   and                                                To report or seek advice about problems you have
       Monday 27  May                                                                       experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.
       Whilst  we  are  closed,  if  you  need
       medical  attention  phone  111,  if  you                                             Animal allergens in vegan and plant-based food
       have a medical emergency phone 999.  Please ensure any medication you need
       for over the bank holidays is ordered and collected in good time.                    The  Food  Standards  Agency  is running a  campaign to advise people with milk,
                                                                                            egg,  fish  or  shellfish  allergies,  or  those  who  care  for  people  with  these  types  of

                                                                                            allergies, to always check the label on vegan and plant-based food as it may not
       PRESCRIPTION CHARGE TO RISE TO £9.90 FROM 1 MAY 2024                                 be safe to eat.
       The  Department  of Health  and  Social Care  (DHSC)  has  announced that  from  1   Foods  marked  as  vegan  or  plant-based  are  not  guaranteed  to  be  free  from
       May  2024,  the  NHS  prescription  charge  will  increase  to  £9.90  per  prescription   products of animal origin, and therefore could still contain allergenic ingredients.
       item (note: some items may incur more than one charge).                              This is because a vegan label is not a food safety label so risks remain of cross-
                                                                                            contamination  in  manufacturing  and  production  processes  that  might  mean
       From May 1, the cost of a three-month PPC will become £32.05, whilst a 12-month
       PPC is increasing to £114.50. PPCs offer savings for those needing any four or more   vegan or plant-based food is not safe for some people to eat.
       prescription items in three months, or 12 or more items in a year.                                                                            Q: Do you know
                                                                                                                                                     the   difference
       The  HRT  PPC  will  also  increase  to  £19.80.    An  up-to-date  list  of  HRT  medicines                                                  between a ‘free
       covered by the PPC is available online
                                                                                                                                                     -f rom’   an d
       For prescriptions dispensed in April 2024, the NHS prescription charge will remain at                                                         ‘vegan’ label?
       £9.65.  If you order in April and collect in May you will pay the increased charge.
                                                                                                                                                     A: A ‘free-from’
       Prescriptions  are  collected  from  the  surgery  letterbox  at  08.30  and  13.00  each                                                     label
       day. Any requests put into the post box after 13.00 will be processed the following                                                           guarantees the
       day.                                                                                                                                          product doesn’t
                                                                                            contain the named allergen. To use this label, food businesses must follow strict
       Please  continue  to  use  the  NHS  app  or  TPP  portal  on  our  website  to  order  your   processes to ensure the allergen isn’t present.
       medication  if  you  can.  To  sign  up  to  use  this  service  please  bring  some  ID  to
       Reception and our Receptionists will help you to sign up to this service             However, these rules don’t apply to vegan or plant-based products, which means
                                                                                            there  could  be  a  chance  of  cross-contamination  with  allergens  such  as  milk,
       If you have  a musculoskeletal problem, ask our reception  about  seeing  our First   eggs, fish or shellfish.
       contact physiotherapist (FCP) instead of a GP. FCPs assess and diagnose people
       with  muscle  and  joint  problems  when  they  first  present,  providing  a  specialist   Q: Do you have an allergy to milk, eggs, fish, or shellfish? Do you eat vegan food
       physiotherapy opinion. They do not provide physiotherapy treatments themselves       to help manage your allergies?
       but can refer on if needed or may suggest exercises you can do at home.              A:  Vegan  food  isn’t  always  safe  for  people  with  these  allergies  because  of
                                                                                            potential cross-contamination during manufacturing and preparation processes.

                                                                                            For  peace  of  mind  that  ingredients  such  as  milk,  eggs,  fish,  or  shellfish  aren’t
                                                                                            present in vegan food or plant-based food through cross-contamination, always

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