Page 35 - br-may-2022
P. 35

Mayl 2022                                                                            May 2022

       Parish Lengthsman                                                                                                          Thank you to our friend Judy Newton
                                                                                                                                  who  came  along  and  judged  the
       Most residents are aware that we are in the very fortunate position that we have                                           competition  and  spoke  about  the
       a Lengthsman but perhaps not many actually know what he does. So here is a                                                 plans  for  the  Jubilee  celebrations  in
       breakdown of the work he undertook for the parish during March.                                                            Bere Regis.
            29 hours at the Cemetery keeping the grass and hedges neatly cut at all                                              With entertainment from the talented
             times, clearing litter, and maintaining the graves and marking plots for new                                         Pop  In  Performers  and  a  massive
             burials.                                                                                                             Easter  Egg  raffle  the  morning  was
            2.5 hours clearing rights of way around the village.                                                                 deemed a great success raising over
                                                                                                                                  £300 for DEC Ukraine Appeal.
            1.5 hours starting repairs to the various finger posts around the parish.

            49  hours  at  the  play  area  –  undertaking  maintenance  of  all  the  play
             equipment and repairing the fence in the under 5s play area. Litter picking
             the area and carrying out weekly inspections.                                   Breakfast Café

            18 hours clearing litter and fly tipping from around the parish, emptying litter   We are trying out a breakfast café once a month serving  bacon rolls. This month
             bins and taking it to the tip.                                                 it is Next dates are Friday  13  May and  Friday 10  June .
            52  hours  clearing  fallen  trees  and
             branches and removing the debris                                               Pop In Place Rainbow Café
             from around the parish.
                                                                                            The café’ are open every Friday morning for coffee, tea, and  biscuits. There is a
            4 hours completing bench repairs.                                              sales table with books and bric a brac and in the Lower Hall there is a workshop.
                                                                                            Also you may like to come in and play table tennis as the newly refurbished table
            8  hours  assisting  the  Wild  Life                                           is  now  up  and  running.  Please  do  call  in  on  a  Friday  morning  there  is  a  warm
             Group  after  their  volunteer  work
             parties.                                                                       welcome to all.
       His duties vary depending on the time of                                             If you need a lift telephone Kim 01927 471170
       year and what events or issues arise. Had
       we  not  got  a  Lengthsman,  much  of  the                                          Repair Shop
       work he does would have to be done by Dorset Council or volunteers. This means,
       rather than have someone who can respond instantly, any defect would have to         Over the last months we have be doing some wood work in the Lower room of
       be  logged  with  Dorset  Council  and  then  could  take  over  a  month  before    the hall : making bird boxes, bug hotels and  planters etc  We have completed
       anything was done.                                                                   and refurbished the table tennis table and that is available for people to play a

       Next Meeting                                                                         If you are interested in coming along and doing any of the above or your own
                                                                                            small project, call in and see Paul  Bennett you will be very welcome.
       The next  meeting will be held on Thursday 12  May 2022, commencing 7pm at
       the Drax Hall. It will be the AGM so will mean the Chairman and Vice Chairman
       will be voted in for the coming year. If you wish to have an item added to the       Pop In Place Jubilee Community Art Project
       agenda  for  discussion,  please  contact  the  Clerk  or  a  member  of  the  Parish
       Council.                                                                             Thank  you  to  everyone  who  has  contributed  to  this  we  will  be  displaying  the
                                                                                            finished picture at the Church Exhibition over the Jubilee Weekend.
                                  Amanda Crocker, Clerk to Bere Regis Parish Council

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