Page 33 - br-may-2022
P. 33

Mayl 2022                                                                            May 2022

       Sunday  5   June  –  A  Songs  of  Praise  Service  will  be  held  at  St  John  the  Baptist
       Church at 10.30am. From 2.30pm until 7.30pm there will be a 1950s Sports Day for     The Pop In Place will be holding a Jubilee Party on Friday 3  June in the afternoon
       children of all ages at the Sports Club. Bring along a picnic and the Sports Club    to thank the people who have supported us since we re- opened last summer.
       bar will be open throughout the event.                                               Please reply to Alison asap so we know how many to cater for.
       Throughout the whole of the four days, there will be a Festival Exhibition in St John   Have you checked out our Pop In Place website
       the  Baptist  Church  of  flowers,  photography,  quilts,  crafts,  art  and  poetry.  Light   For more details about any of the above or to find out about volunteering phone
       refreshments will be available every day from 11am until 3pm.
                                                                                                                                            Alison Bennett 01929 47023

       Commemorative Mugs
       These are now available to order and forms are available in the magazine, on the
       Parish Council website and will also be available from the shop and pubs. Every
       child  under  the  age  of  16  is  eligible  for  a  free  mug  but  we  will  need  you  to   When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
       complete a form to nominate them. The forms can either be emailed to the Clerk
       or  posted  into  the  Parish  Council  post  box  on  the  wall  by  the  shop.  Additional   their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
       mugs area available at a minimum donation of £5. Please complete the relevant             effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
       section of the form to order your mugs.
                                                                                                                    advertising revenue!!

       Allotments update

       As from the 1  April, the Parish Council took
       over  management  of  the  allotments.  There
       will be no changes for the first year, whilst all
       the  various  agreements  are  put  in  place.
       Invoices will be going out shortly to all those
       allotment  holders  who  have  expressed  an
       interest in keeping their allotments. There are
       currently  three  vacant  allotments,  two  of
       which will be divided to make smaller plots.
       By  dividing  them,  we  hope  to  be  able  to
       accommodate  as  many  of  those  on  the
       reservation  list  as  possible.  We  will  be
       contacting those who have been allocated
       one of the new allotments very shortly, once
       they have been measured out. Should you wish to put your name on the list for a
       future allotment, please contact either the Clerk or Cllr Robin Pitcher.

       Councillor responsibilities

       Bere  Regis  Parish  Council  is  an  extremely  active  council  and  there  are  several
       areas  for  which  it  is  responsible.  In  order  to  ensure  all  the  areas  are  properly
       covered,  every  year  each  councillor  is  given  a  particular  responsibility.  This

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