Page 48 - br-may-2021
P. 48

May 2021                                                                             May 2021

       Bere Regis Food Bank                                                                 By 19  March 2020, our school had placed their “Give What You Can, Take What
                                                                                            You Need” food box outside the school for all to contribute to and take from. This
       Thank you so much for all the food donations we really appreciate them, there is     remained available throughout most of the pandemic.
       a box outside the village Hall . Moving Forward we will continue to run the Food
       Bank  when  the  Village  Hall  reopens  ,  our  thanks  to  the  Parish  Council  for  the   By  30   March  2020  a  crowd  funding  appeal  had  been  launched,  that  would
       generous grant to make this possible. It will operate on a part food part voucher    eventually raise over £8000 for the Emergency Fund.
       basis this will be from June 25
                                                                                            At  the beginning of  April 2020 Pop In Place took over food bank provision from
       If you need help and are struggling in this crisis email        Wareham and created its own bank in the Village Hall.
       Please make sure that all users registration forms are back to 3 Rye Hill Close      Also, at the beginning of April, the BereConnect volunteer scheme was launched
                                                                                            to deliver prescriptions, collect shopping and connect isolated people by phone.
                                 Alison Bennett 01929 472023
                                                                                            The  Pop  In  Place  food  bank  began  by  supporting  about  12  families,  rising  to
                                                                                            about 22 deliveries at the peak. It is still supporting 16 families, equating to about
                                                                                            45  people  being  helped.  The  food  bank  was  kick-started  with  grants  from  the
                                                                                            Emergency Fund, and was able to continue because of the incredible generosity
                                                                                            of residents’ donations throughout the crisis. Generous grants were also made by
                                                                                            Dorset Council.

                                                                                            The work of the food bank has not all been about food parcels. Personal contact
                                                                                            between the five volunteers involved and the clients has helped avert numerous

          When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw                      serious domestic issues, mental health crises and even suicides, by providing links
                                                                                            and introductions to specialist professional and volunteer help.
             their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the                    The  work  of  the  food  bank  will  continue  to  be  needed.  Recently  the  Parish

             effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more                       Council made a grant to Pop In Place to install cupboards in the Village Hall to
                                                                                            enable the hall to re-open, and remain the base for the food bank.
                                advertising revenue!!
                                                                                            The Emergency Fund was created almost entirely from very generous donations
                                                                                            by a number of Bere Regis residents, supplemented by the profit from the sales of
                                                                                            the 2021 village calendar. In total it raised £8300. The first grant or loan was made
                                                                                            on 3  April 2020, and to date 27 payments totalling more than £3000 have been
                                                                                            made  to  individuals  or  families.  In  addition,  the  food  bank  received  just  under
                                                                                            £900  in  the  early  days  and  £2820  has  been  given  the  Bere  Regis  School  to
                                                                                            supplement  free  school  meals  during  holidays.  The  balance  will  continue  to  be
                                                                                            granted  or  will  be  given  to
                                                                                            local  charities,  when  needs
                                                                                            BereConnect     volunteers
                                                                                            originally  numbered  over  fifty
                                                                                            people.  As  the  need  for
                                                                                            voluntary   help   became
                                                                                            clearer  this  settled  down  to  a
                                                                                            core  group  of  about  20
                                                                                            people  who  provided  an
                                                                                            invaluable service in delivering

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