Page 52 - br-may-2021
P. 52

May 2021                                                                             May 2021

       arrived  at  Covent  Garden  at  about  6am.  After  unloading  we  went  on  to    dwellings.  The  Parish  Council  opposed  granting  the  application  mainly  on  the
       Spitalfield market. We got out of London about 8am. We stopped at Chiswick for      grounds that an uplift of 42% in the number of dwellings was not in line with the
       breakfast, and got back home at 1pm."                                               Neighbourhood  Plan.  The  planning  Committee  nonetheless  approved  the
                                                                                           application by 6 votes to 4. Whilst we regret that our objections were over-ruled, it
       14-15  April  1949:  "Mr  Hann  came  and  asked  me  to  go  to  London  with  him.  At   is  worth  noting  that  if  the  Neighbourhood  Plan  had  not  been  in  place,  a
       about 11.15pm we set off for London in the cress lorry. We stopped at Chiswick for   developer  could  have  brought  forward  plans  for  a  development  of  up  to  30
       refreshment, and got into Covent Garden at 5am. We got out of London early, as      houses on this site.
       there  was  very  little  traffic.  We  stopped  again  at  Chiswick  for  breakfast.  It  was
       beautiful weather and the trip was very enjoyable."
                                                                                           Commemorative Garden
       26-27 April 1949: "Late in the evening went to London with the cress lorry. Mervyn
       Bailey  was  the  driver,  and  we  left  at  midnight.  We  got  to  Covent  Garden  by   We approved plans to enhance the top of the Cemetery, with two aims.  Firstly,
       3.30am.  We  unloaded  at                                                           this will provide a site for members of the community to work together to improve
       6.30am  and  went  on  to                                                           a vital village resource, and secondly to enhance the top end of the cemetery as
       Spitalfield  Market.  Mervyn                                                        a place for quiet reflection and contemplation.
       wanted    to   do   some
       shopping so we waited and
       had  a  look  around  the  big                                                      Benches
       shops.  We  got  back  home                                                         A new bench, donated in memory of a Bere Regis resident, will be installed soon
       at 1.45pm."
                                                                                           at the Western end of the streamside open space, and we hope to put in picnic
       16-17  May  1949: "...  then  at                                                    benches near to the Scout Hut shortly.
       11.30pm  I  left  for  London
       with  Mr  Hann  in  the  cress
       lorry.  After  travelling  all                                                      Community Speedwatch Project,
       night   we   arrived   at                                                           This team is headed by Angie and Ian Wright and is getting ready to undertake
       Spitalfield market and partly                                                       training and hope to be up and running in the next few months. If you would like
       unloaded, then we went on                                                           to   be   a   part   of   this,   please   contact   Dorset   Road   Safe   here:
       to  Covent  Garden,  where                                                
       we had a job to get in. We got out of London by about 9am, and came home
       via Salisbury, arriving home at about 1pm."
                                                                                           Annual Parish Meeting and AGM
       There were probably many other trips when my Dad went on the cress-run, but
       these are the only ones that I could find.                                          We are obliged to hold these meetings before the end of May, so they will have
                                                                                           to  be  held  remotely.  Our  annual  Parish  Meeting  will  be  on  6   May.  We  would
                                                                                           invite anyone who wishes to attend to let our clerk know, in order to be given the

                                                                                           Considerate driving

                                                                                           There  have  been  a  number  of  complaints  recently  about  traffic  speeding,
                                                                                           particularly on Elder Road, and noisy vehicles driving through the village early in
                                                                                           the morning. May we ask all drivers to show respect for other residents by driving
                                                                                           carefully and quietly in the built-up area.

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