Page 42 - br-may-2020
P. 42

May 2020                                                                             May 2020

                                                                                           POP IN PLACE NEWS


                                                                                           All  over  the  globe  and  as  a  village  community  we  are
                                                                                           facing  some  challenging  and  difficult  times  the  like  of
                                                                                           which  we  have  never  encountered,  but  we  are  lucky
                                                                                           that we have a lot of people who are caring and capable in our village and the
                                                                                           vulnerable and isolated will be able to get help.

                                                                                           Community Food Parcel Delivery
                                                                                           The Pop In Place are operating a food parcel project through this difficult time.
                                                                                           The parcel will only contain long life food tins and packets but can be helpful in a
                                                                                           time of crisis If you are struggling and need one of these delivered please email
                                                                                  or telephone 01929 472023 or 01929 472037
                                                                                           Thank you to Jo Bruce and Jo Syrett who are helping to run this initiative. You can
                                                                                           make small food  donation in the box outside the village Hall.  These  will help us
                                                                                           with expenses.

                                                                                           Pop in Place Groups and Events

                                                                                           All groups and events are cancelled until further notice .

                                                                                           Community Knitting
                                                                                           Please do keep knitting as it will be a useful pastime during isolation. We can also
                                                                                           send good quality knitted items to the hospices  and charities to sell on their craft
                                                                                           stalls to raise money. You can make a change from squares and knit a toy or a
                                                                                           cardigan if you wish as whatever we are given we will put them to a worthy use.

                                                                                           Stay at Home, to Protect the NHS and save lives.
                                                                                                                                Alison Bennett  Telephone  01929 472023

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