Page 7 - BR-May-2018
P. 7

May 2018
 SMALL ADS                             May 2018

 Advertise   Improve Strength,   Carpet Fitter
 Balance, Mobility   P J Bushby    Please  know  that  you  are  all  welcome  to  our  service  of  Thanksgiving  for  the
 here for only
 and Health     completion of the roof Project on June 3  at 10am. The Bishop of Salisbury, the Rt
 £67 a year   All aspects of carpet and vinyl   Revd Nicholas Holtam will be with us. We do hope that so many of you, who have
 Join one of my exercise   fitting undertaken.     enabled  the  work  to  happen,  will  be  there  to  join  in  the  occasion.  Afterwards,
    classes in Wool,   Your own materials fitted or   there  will  be  pre-lunch  refreshments  in  the  Scout  Hut  provided  by  Elm  Vintage
 Domestic or commercial.
 The best   Winfrith, Briantspuddle   home selection if preferred.     Teas and paid for by individual sponsors to whom we are very grateful.
 or Lulworth   Helpful advice always
 form of local   available.  The complete
 Contact Elaine on
 advertising   01929 462916   carpet and flooring service.   CHURCHWARDENS

 07967 203581   01202 624684    At  our  Annual  meetings,  I  am  delighted  to  say  that  in  both  parishes  the
       Churchwardens were re-elected. Thank you Sarah Welton and Joan Naylor in Bere
 PEST   Computer      Regis and Stephen Sanderson and Elizabeth Whatley in Affpuddle for all your help
       and support to me as your Priest and to all our congregations, and for all you have
 Problems?   Drax Hall   done throughout the year.
 CONTROL      Available for hire for private
 Email & internet support   parties or for regular
 Wireless networking setup   meetings.
 By trusted expert   FOOD BANK AND MAGAZINES
 PC and Laptop repairs    Large hall and smaller room
 Call James Ostler for   Virus and malware   are both available.  The
 removal   latter especially suitable for
 help and advice for   No call-out charge   children’s parties.  For    Now  that  the  church  is  open  again,  the  box  for  any  of  your  donations  is  back
 all pest, vermin and   Over 20 years’ experience   details of hiring charges etc.    there and also in Affpuddle church!  I should like to thank you for your continuing
 insect issues.   Call Alan on :      generosity; please keep it going!
 01929 480529   Contact Hall Secretary - Lyn   The  magazines  for  collectors  though  will  remain,  for  the  time  being,  in  the
 07717 393363   07710 835905   Simmonds   vicarage porch.   01929 471528

       I am happy to start another Confirmation Course (also available for those who
       were confirmed a while ago) in the next couple of months. If you are interested,
       please let me know. We usually have 8 sessions which we time to fit in with your


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