Page 2 - BR-May-2018
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May 2018                                                                             May 2018

       In our village parishes, so many people make their own contributions and so often
       I  hear  about  wonderful  acts  of  kindness  and  on-going  good  neighbourliness;   DATES FOR
       village life has so  much to offer and to celebrate. I find it so sad when people
       move into a village but want no part in its community life.
       There is a role in the Church called ‘Lay Pastoral Assistant’ and you will see on our         YOUR DIARY
       inside cover that we have two in  Affpuddle parish who are able to play a very
       useful role. In Bere Regis, we now only have one and I am wondering if any of you    2018
       have thought about fulfilling this position. There is a course where you can learn
       more about what might be involved, but how much you do thereafter depends
       on your own time and inclination. If you feel this could possibly be for you, please   21st   WI, Birthday Celebration Service

       speak  either  to  me  or  to  someone  already  involved,  without  any  sense  of
       The  image  of  the  local  Church  humourously  suggested  by  the  Emmaus  course   5th    Mothers’ Union talk by Ted Cox Farm Crisis Network    2.00 p.m.
       used to be one of a big double-decker bus with the Vicar as the driver and the       11th    Floral Group, Anne Clark
       Treasurer as the ticket-collector and everyone on board having a great time – or
       possibly criticising the driving! The local Church may have been like that but now   12th    Autumn Leaves, 47th Birthday Tea, Vikki Mayo
       it  is  of  a  family  where  different  people  have  different  roles  but  that  everyone   15th   Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Memory Walk
       works for the common good. This gives me an opportunity to thank everyone for        19th    WI, Creature Teachers
       what they do; you are really valued and we thank you.                                28th    Macmillan Coffee Morning, Lower Hall       10.00am-12.00noon

       My father was a Vicar, as many of you know. For the majority of his ministry he had
       a parish of rather less than 1000 people with another added on towards the end       October
       of his time of about 150. In those days too there was not much paperwork. This
       meant he was able to spend much of his time visiting and in a pastoral role. He      3rd     Mothers’ Union Holy Communion, the Vicar              2.00 p.m.
       had  sermons  to  prepare,  services  to  take  of  course  and  there  was  still  time  to   9th   Floral Group, Annette Parker workshop
       study and to pray. I wonder sometimes what he would have made of my ministry.        10th    Autumn Leaves, Stewart Timbrell
       In my last post, I had eight parishes but had the support of a team of priests and   13th    An Evening with Rapport and Presentations
       others, so my role was largely that of a manager. Now, I am supposedly part-time     13th    Mother’s Union Autumn Council and AGM, Durweston
       as a ‘House-for-Duty Priest and I have the help of a Ministry Team which meets
       every few weeks...but there is still not time to do all that I would like to do by the   17th   WI, Care in the Community
       way of pastoral care and visiting.  As another priest said to me the other day, it   19th    Purbeck Film Festival Briantspuddle Village Hall      7.30 p.m.
       could be described as the ‘Frustration of the parish priest’.

       However, I hope you all know that if you want me to visit you or indeed to bring     November
       Holy Communion to you if you are not well, it is an absolutely priority in my life, so
       in spite of what I have said, I am saddened when people say ‘you are so busy’.       7th     Mothers’ Union AGM and Bring and Buy                   2.00p.m.
       ‘Time for things’ is always a matter of priority.                                    13th    Floral Group, Michael Bowyer, (Tarrant Keynston)
                                                                                            14th    Autumn Leaves, Hilary Foggo
       Most of all, in this continuing Easter-time let us find joy and peace in what we do in       Fundraising Raffle for Children in Need
       these villages!
                                                                                            21st    WI, Christmas Sweets and Treats
       Your loving Priest and friend,

                                                                                            5th     Mothers’ Union Christmas Party                     2.00 p.m.

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