Page 11 - BR-May-2018
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May 2018                              May 2018

 May Meetings   can  remember.  His  contributions  to  the  church  and  to  the  village  have  been
       enormous,  from  churchwarden  to  postmaster  to  historian  to  visitor  to  countless
 The Annual Parish Meeting - This is not a Parish Council Meeting.  It is a meeting   people  who  were  sick  and  needed  ‘a  bit  of  something  from  the  allotment’  to
 with the purpose of raising and discussing parish affairs.  All residents are welcome   cheer them up. It is difficult to think of any aspect of Bere Regis life that he was not
 to attend and it will be held on Wednesday 9  May at Briantspuddle Village Hall   in  some  way  involved  in.  And  of  course,  all  the  while,  he  was  helping  Mary  to
 from 7pm.   continue to participate in and enjoy all the many activities that are part of our
 The meeting is an opportunity for the Parish Council to report on the activities it
 has been involved in throughout the year.  In addition, other organisations have   Jon added: “He was a scientist, but he became a very committed historian, very
 traditionally offered their own reports.     keen to pass on the excitement he felt in his local history discoveries to anyone
       who was interested or might benefit.
 An  Agenda  for  the  meeting  will  be  posted  on  the  Community  Website  and
 Noticeboards.   “He had a very engaging manner that almost instantly came across to individuals
       and to larger audiences. He had an un-rehearsed way of speaking which came
 The Parish Council AGM - This meeting will follow The Annual Parish Meeting.
       over as ‘fresh news’ even if he had spoken about it many times before.
 The  Parish  Council  May  Meeting  - This meeting will follow The Parish Council   “He  was  particularly  dedicated  to  the  history  of  the  bells  and  the  bell  tower  –
 AGM.   witness his books and ongoing research into very old parish magazines and other
 Annual Grants Under Section 137 and 133 of the Local Government Act
 1972   “His interest in our church history lead him to establish the ‘Guides’ with which he
       persevered even if weeks went by with almost no takers. To John, it was worth it if
 Each year the Parish Council sets aside a sum of money which can be applied for   just one individual benefitted in a whole year – a dedication I appreciated even if
 by local organisations for projects which will be of benefit to residents within the   I gave my own time more sparingly!
       “His  historical  side  pops  up  again  and
 Last  year  the  Parish  Council  received  grant  applications  from  Briantspuddle   again  with  his  ‘Following  in  George’s
 Village  Hall  Committee  and  the  PCC  of  Affpuddle.    Awards  were  made  as   footsteps’  and  in  ‘Well,  Well,  Well!’
       There  is  not  much  that  Captain  John
 PCC of Affpuddle - Purchase of materials and equipment to maintain the large   could not tell you about the tower and
 churchyard.  Maintenance and repair of churchyard mowers and purchase of a   its bells. To mark the Millennium in 2000
 new mower to replace a worn-out machine.  The award approved was for a sum   he researched the first 500 years of the
 of £250.   tower and published ‘Tower 500’.
       “When  I  first  joined  the  band,  Adrian
 Briantspuddle Village Hall Committee – To help fund improvements to the kitchen
 in the Village Hall, including better cooking and washing up facilities.  The award   would  ring  the  fifth  and  John  the  sixth
 approved was for a sum of £750.   bell  and  together  they  added  a
       completely together ‘bong, bong’, that
 Grant applications for the coming year are invited by 30th June 2018.  A copy of   followed  the  wildly  variable  first  four
 the Parish Council’s Grant Policy and an application form can be found on the   bells with metronome-like precision and
 Council’s website.     held everything together.
 The  Council  has  a  budget  of  £1,000  for  awards  to  be  made  and  has  already   “John was the Tower Captain for longer
 received enquiries from the following organisations;   than most of us can remember. He was
       taught  to  ring  by  Tom  Woolfries,  who
    Citizens Advice Bureau
       was  also  the  clock-winder,  churchyard
    Artreach Dorset   tender  and  flag-raiser.  John  joined  our   John England teaching in 2004

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