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March 2022                                                                          March 2022

       POP IN PLACE NEWS                                                                    shown  in  the  picture  ’34  and  counting’.  This  is  not  the  first  time  we  have
                                                                                            uncovered  numbers  of  discarded  wine  bottles,  drinks  cans  and  dog  poo  bags.
                                                                                            This  behaviour  is  simply  unacceptable  anywhere  and  spoils  what  should  be  an
        Pop In Place Rainbow Café                                                           attractive area for people to enjoy and wildlife to flourish. If you are responsible,
                                                                                            please stop. If you know who is responsible, please ask them to stop. Quite simply,
        The café’ are open every Friday morning for coffee, tea,                            the proper thing to do is to take your litter home or dispose of it in the litter and
        and  biscuits. There is a sales table with books and bric a                         dog poo bins that have been provided for that purpose.
        brac and in the Lower Hall there is a workshop. Also you
        may like to come in and play table tennis as the newly
        refurbished  table  is  now  up  and  running.  Please  do  call  in  on  a  Friday  morning   Colour photos
        there is a warm welcome to all.
                                                                                            There is a beautiful selection of photographs of birds from Tony and Roger Bates
        If you need a lift telephone Kim 01927 471170                                       in the centre of the magazine this month.  Do take a look.

        Repair Shop                                                                         Contact Us
        Over  the  last  months  we  have  be  doing  some                                  If  you  would  like  to  know  more  about  the  work  of  the  Wildlife  Group  or  to  be
        wood  work  in  the  Lower  room  of  the  hall  :                                  included on our mailing list, please contact:
        making bird boxes, bug hotels and  planters etc
        We  have  completed  and  refurbished  the  table                                   Tony Bates at /  01929 471563 or
        tennis  table  and  that  is  available  for  people  to
        play a game.                                                                        Mike Gee at / 0775 988 4942.

        If you are interested in coming along and doing
        any of the above or your own small project, call
        in  and  see  Paul    Bennett  you  will  be  very

        Pop In Place AGM ON Friday 8  April 10.30 at the Hall
        We welcome some new people on the team to help us move the organisation
        forward  and  to  provide  a  much  needed  community  café  and  events  to  bring
        people together and combat isolation.

                                                  Good Friday Easter Fun

                                                  Morning 15  April 10- 12
                                                  We  will  be  holding  the  Good
                                                  Friday  event  with  Easter  Egg
                                                  Raffle,  so  please  do  donate  us
                                                  some  Easter  Eggs  please  pop
                                                  them  in  to  the  Hall  on  Friday
                                                  Morning  or  drop  off  to  Alison  or

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